
Aptitude and Motivation in Second Language Acquisition Webinar

Aptitude and Motivation in Second Language Acquisition Webinar

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On February 19, 2018, the Faculty of Language Translation's Webinar Series featured a notable presentation from Lourdes Ortega, Professor of Linguistics at the Department of Linguistics at Georgetown University. The E-Learning Deanship of King Khalid University provided support for the webinar, which successfully drew the attention of nearly 170 participants from across the Kingdom.

In her webinar, "Aptitude and Motivation in Second Language Acquisition," Professor Ortega explored the intricate relationships between aptitude and motivation. She placed a special emphasis on the most thoroughly researched works in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) concerning motivation, while also examining the multifaceted constructs that accompany these areas. One of the papers discussed during the webinar was a highly acclaimed research article by Dr. Fakieh Al-Rabai, Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics at King Khalid University. The 2013 paper, titled "The Effects of Teachers’ Motivational Strategies on Learners’ Motivation: A Controlled Investigation of Second Language Acquisition," was commendably presented by Professor Ortega.

The abstract for the webinar gave further insight into the discussion:

"In this webinar, I explore the vast range of research on aptitude and motivation in the realm of second language acquisition. This research can assist teachers in addressing important questions: Are there specific cognitive abilities (aptitude) and personal predispositions (motivation) that help explain the marked differences in students' success rates when learning a new language in our classrooms? To what degree does the environment shape aptitude and motivation, including the classroom, family and peers, and societal messages about the value and difficulty of the new language? And how much can aptitude and motivation to learn a new language change with experiences inside and outside the classroom? I also identify ways this research can enable language teachers to strategically support their students' aptitude and motivation, thus enhancing their chances of lasting success with English, both within the language classroom and beyond."

Dr. Munassir Alhamami, Chairman, concluded the webinar with official closing remarks, urging participants to incorporate the lessons learned into their practice.

Professor Ortega's academic and research interests broadly cover second language acquisition, with a particular focus on sociocognitive and educational aspects in adult classroom settings. Her research integrates insights from bilingualism and usage-based linguistics in the investigation of second language development.

To view a recording of this insightful webinar, click here.