
Felicitation Ceremony for the 10th E-Learning Awareness Campaign

Felicitation Ceremony for the 10th E-Learning Awareness Campaign

Faculty of Languages and Translation

Under the guidance of Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean, the E-Learning Unit orchestrated a celebration ceremony for the successful "E-Learning Awareness Campaign". This festive occasion was held on March 7, 2017, at 11:00 am in Auditorium 10, Building B, and saw an impressive turnout of students.

The ceremony's highlight was the announcement of the winners of the e-Quiz competition by Dr. Al-Melhi, who delighted in awarding the winners with their well-deserved prizes and certificates. The first prize was clinched by Turki Muhammed Al-Shamakh, while Saleh Bin Ebrahim Hamdan Al-Hufayan and Ahmed Mohammed Haj captured the second and third prizes, respectively. Consolation prizes were bestowed upon Mahdi Bin Amin Al-Musabi and Khalid Al-Qahtani.

Applauding the students for their achievements, Dr. Al-Melhi emphasized, "E-Learning plays an integral role in academic advancement. It serves as a powerful tool in bolstering language skills."

Dr. Muhammed S. Assiri, Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality, expressed his heartfelt appreciation for the E-Learning Unit and its dedicated team for the successful execution of the awareness campaign.

Mr. Mohsin Raza Khan, Supervisor of the E-Learning Unit, greeted the attendees, shared a succinct recap of the activities held during the E-Learning Awareness Campaign, and thanked everyone for their enthusiastic participation.

On this special occasion, Dr. Al-Melhi also presented certificates of appreciation to Dr. Khalid Al-Mohanna, Mr. Abdullah Al-Zubain, and other representatives of the E-Learning Deanship, recognizing their invaluable contributions to the campaign.

In conclusion, the Dean honored Dr. Muhammed S. Assiri, Dr. Mohammed Asif (Campaign Coordinator), Mr. Mathew Paul, Mr. Mohsin Raza Khan, Mr. Javed Ahmed, and Mr. Mazaharul Islam with certificates of appreciation. Their tireless efforts and dedication were instrumental in the successful organization of the campaign. The ceremony underscored the Faculty's commitment to fostering a learning environment that champions technological advancements in education.

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