Publication Process & Validated Measures of Scientific Publication Quality
In an initiative that reflects the Faculty of Languages and Translation's ongoing dedication to academic excellence, a comprehensive webinar was held on November 2, 2022, targeting MA students, Ph.D. candidates, and faculty members. Dr. Amal Metwally's session, entitled "Publication Process & Validated Measures of Scientific Publication Quality," reflected the faculty's implicit strategy of enhancing publication quality through collaborative academic endeavors.
Dr. Metwally's presentation offered deep insights into publication protocols, emphasizing the peer-review process and manuscript life cycle. Her approach not only provided valuable knowledge but also fostered an environment reminiscent of interactive academic discussions, where insights and critiques are shared openly.
Highlighting the importance of selecting the appropriate journal for research articles, Dr. Metwally introduced several research evaluation tools, such as the one at https://mjl.clarivate.com. Her guidance on assessing journals' goals and scope subtly encouraged a collective approach to academic publishing, where decisions are refined through shared understanding and dialogue.
In the second part of her presentation, Dr. Metwally shed light on various indicators of scientific journal quality, such as journal impact factors, the SCImago Journal Rank indicator, citations, the h-index, and the ISSN (International Standard Serial Number). This information was particularly beneficial for faculty members and students in their quest to navigate the complex landscape of academic publishing.
The webinar's positive reception from the participants not only attested to its educational value but also highlighted its role in fostering a culture where quality in academic publication is pursued through shared learning and mutual support. This event stands as a testament to the faculty's continuous efforts in promoting an environment conducive to scholarly growth and excellence.