
How to Prepare an Oral Research Presentation

How to Prepare an Oral Research Presentation

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On October 12, 2021, the Women's section of the Scientific Research Unit organized a webinar titled "How to Prepare an Oral Research Presentation", led by Dr. Nada Alqarni.

Dr. Alqarni initiated her session by encouraging the audience to consider their objectives and audience engagement strategies. "Consider your goals and contemplate how you plan to involve your audience in the presentation," advised Dr. Alqarni. She proceeded to underscore the importance of brainstorming main ideas, organizing discussion topics, and thoroughly preparing for and rehearsing the presentation.

She pointed out that capturing the audience's attention from the outset is crucial. The presenter should then clearly articulate the purpose of the discussion topic and outline their work. Dr. Alqarni highlighted the necessity of presenting main points sequentially in a logical order and clearly signifying transitions to new points. She suggested the use of clear examples to illustrate key findings, keeping the audience engaged in the conversation. Additionally, she endorsed the use of visual aids to enhance the presentation's appeal.

The webinar centered around five key areas: preparing an oral presentation, organizing the content, typical presentation formats for research projects, delivering a presentation, and a summary of the main discussion points. Dr. Alqarni concluded the session by showcasing a video of an oral research presentation, dissecting its strengths and weaknesses. This was followed by a discussion on neatly presented research projects.

The webinar, primarily intended for MA and Ph.D. students and attended by staff members from various faculties at the university, provided insightful and valuable information for all attendees.