
Online Research Tools: Discussion and Tips

Online Research Tools: Discussion and Tips

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On February 17, 2020, two students from the Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics program, Alaa Alshehri and Fatimah Abdulaziz, led a seminar on 'Online Research Tools: Discussion and Tips'. This seminar, organized by the Scientific Research Committee's Women's section, was attended by current Master's students and members of the research committee.

In their presentation, Alshehri and Abdulaziz explored several invaluable websites that aid researchers in reviewing citations, checking grammatical errors, and verifying content for plagiarism. Drawing from their personal experiences, they highlighted the critical role of the English Club in enhancing students' speaking skills.

The duo also proposed the idea of creating a specialized reading library for Master's students. This library would house articles pertinent to their specific research fields, providing students with a concentrated resource base. They acknowledged the tireless efforts of their professors in guiding them and other students throughout their Master's studies, and urged their peers to actively engage with faculty to overcome any research-related challenges.

To conclude the seminar, Alshehri and Abdulaziz offered advice to their fellow students. They emphasized the importance of patience, ambition, and intrinsic motivation in achieving academic goals. Reflecting on their own experiences, they acknowledged the stress that can accompany a Master's journey, but highlighted the transformative power of self-driven motivation in overcoming such hurdles.