
New Faculty Orientation

New Faculty Orientation

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On October 12, 2016, an orientation session was organized for the faculty members who newly joined the Faculty of Languages and Translation (clt) this semester. This annual event, conducted every academic year in the first semester, serves to acquaint our new colleagues with an overview of clt's various divisions and offices, clearly outlining the rights and responsibilities of each faculty member.

The key speakers and their respective topics were as follows:

  • Welcome & Introductory Speech: Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean of clt, 12:00 - 12:10
  • Administrative & Academic Issues: Dr. Ali Alamir, Vice Dean of clt, 12:10 - 12:15
  • Quality and Development System: Dr. Abdul Wahed Al Zumor, Head of the Quality Unit, clt, 12:15 - 12:20
  • Research Center: Dr. Ismael Alrefaai, Director, LRC, 12:20 - 12:25
  • Faculty Affairs: Mr. Mathew Paul, Faculty Representative, 12:25 - 12:30
  • LEP: Dr. Charles Forman, Director, Language Enhancement Program, 12:30 - 12:35
  • Students' Affairs: Dr. Basim Kanaan, Student Advisor, 12:35 - 12:40
  • E-Learning and Blackboard: Mr. Mohsin Khan, E-Learning Supervisor, 12:40 - 12:45
  • Questions & Refreshments: New Faculty Members, 12:45 - 1:00

Dr. Al-Melhi opened the event with an inspiring welcome address to the new faculty members, highlighting their central role within the faculty. He elaborated on his vision of the college as a close-knit community of trusted colleagues, fostering professional competence and mutual support.

Subsequent presentations addressed various aspects of clt, including goals and activities, the Language Research Center, the E-Learning Deanship, the Language Enhancement Program, and the utilization of the Blackboard online educational platform.

Following the orientation, all participants were invited to a casual mixer, filled with refreshments and engaging conversation, symbolizing the spirit of camaraderie and collegiality that the Dean and all faculty members highly value and nurture.

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