
Launch of Community Service-Oriented English Language Course at Abha General Prison

Launch of Community Service-Oriented English Language Course at Abha General Prison

Faculty of Languages and Translation

The Faculty of Languages and Translation at our esteemed institution is proud to announce the launch of a community service-oriented English language course in collaboration with the Abha General Prison. Commencing on Sunday, March 25, 2018, this month-long course will serve as a valuable opportunity for inmates, equipping them with the necessary skills for a successful transition back into society upon their release from the correctional facility.

Led by Dr. Yahya Asiri, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, and an esteemed instructor, this program was initiated after a visit to the Abha General Prison. Driven by the belief that everyone deserves a second chance, Dr. Asiri recognized the significance of providing inmates with practical educational opportunities. By doing so, we aim to empower them to seamlessly reintegrate into the workforce and become law-abiding citizens.

We are also delighted to share that this remarkable endeavor has gained recognition in the SABQ Online Newspaper. To learn more about this inspiring initiative, we invite you to read the featured article by visiting the following link: SABQ Online Newspaper.