Formulation of the Department of Translation's Mission Statement

Date: 10 Apr 2023


This report outlines the process undertaken by the Department of Translation to formulate its mission statement. The mission statement's formulation was conducted in accordance with accreditation guidelines and best practices, ensuring comprehensive input from relevant stakeholders, including members of the Employer Advisory Board, faculty members, and external experts.

Consultation Process

The consultation process for the mission statement involved the following steps:

  1. Internal review and brainstorming: Initial discussions were held among faculty members within the Faculty of Languages and Translation to gather ideas and insights regarding the department's mission.
  2. Consultation with the Employer Advisory Board: The draft mission statement was presented to the Employer Advisory Board for their input and suggestions, ensuring alignment with industry needs and expectations.
  3. External expert consultations: To further refine and validate the mission statement, input was sought from the following experts in the fields of Translation and Interpreting Studies and academic accreditation:
  1. Associate Professor Mustapha Taibi, Interpreting and Translation, Western Sydney University, Australia.
  2. Dr. Awad Alshehri, Associate Professor, Certified Quality Reviewer & Assessor, Academic Accreditation Consultant, Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud University, College of Languages and Translation.
  3. Dr. Fadiah Abdullah Alshehri, Translation Department Chair, Princess Nora bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh.
  4. Dr. Marwa Abd. AbdelFatah, Head of Quality, Princess Nora bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh.
  5. Dr. Loy Lising, Senior Lecturer, Department of Linguistics, the University of Macquarie, Australia.

4. Revision and finalization: Based on the feedback received from the consultations, the mission statement was revised and finalized, ensuring alignment with accreditation standards and stakeholder expectations.


The Department of Translation's mission statement was developed following a rigorous and inclusive consultation process, adhering to accreditation guidelines and best practices. This approach ensured the mission statement's relevance, accuracy, and alignment with the needs and expectations of both the academic community and the translation and interpreting industry. The finalized mission statement will serve as a guiding principle for the department's ongoing growth and development.