
لقاء الطالبات المستجدات بكلية اللغات و الترجمة- شطر…

ظمت وحدة التوجية والإرشاد بكلية اللغات والترجمة، شطر الطالبات بابها لقاء للطالبات المستجدات و ذلك بحضور…

clt Hosts High Achievement Awards Ceremony

This morning on 9/17/2019 there was a department-wide meeting in room A/3/60. The purposes of the meeting were to have an open gathering,…

الحفل السنوي للطالبات المستجدات كلية اللغات والترجمة

نظمت وحدة التوجية والإرشاد بكلية اللغات والترجمة، شطر الطالبات بابها الحفل السنوي للطالبات المستجدات و…

14th E-Learning Awareness Campaign

Under the auspices of Dean Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi and the guidance of Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality, Dr. Abdulrahman…

clt Holds Freshman Orientation

The annual freshman orientation held by the Faculty of Languages and Translation (clt) at King Khalid University saw a robust turnout at…

King Khalid University's Faculty of Languages &…

On January 29, 2019, the Faculty of Languages & Translation (clt) at King Khalid University held a dual event: a freshman orientation…

New Faculty Member Meetup

On Wednesday, October 24, 2018, the Faculty of Languages & Translation convened a meeting with newly appointed faculty members. The…