Standard 2: Program Management and Quality Assurance

The program must have effective leadership that implements the institutional systems, policies and regulations. The program leadership must plan, implement, monitor, and activate a quality assurance system that achieve continuous development of program performance in a framework of integrity, transparency, fairness and within a supportive organizational climate. 

Gold's Gym Visit

On Sunday, October 28, 2018, the Women’s English Club at the Faculty of Languages and Translation orchestrated a visit to Gold's Gym for…

Quality Accreditation Seminar

On October 29th, the Women’s Scientific Research Committee at the Faculty of Languages and Translation held a seminar titled "…

Embracing Belongingness: Exploring the Significance of…

The students of the Faculty of Languages and Translation attended a seminar organized by the Intellectual Awareness Unit on…

Bringing Everyone Together: clt's First Social…

An enticing aroma of spices wafting from the grill marked the backdrop for the Faculty of Languages and Translation’s semi-annual…

New Faculty Member Meetup

On Wednesday, October 24, 2018, the Faculty of Languages & Translation convened a meeting with newly appointed faculty members. The…

كلية اللغات والترجمة تجدد ولائها

كلية اللغات والترجمة#

نادي اللغة الانجليزية#

Eva's Artwork Tour

On Sunday, October 7, the Deanship of Student Affairs facilitated a visit for the Faculty of Languages and Translation students to Eva's…