2020-21 Academic Year

clt Faculty Member Obtains Internationally Recognized…

Dr. Abdulwahid Al-Zumor, a member of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, recently participated in a three-day Higher Education…

clt Participates in Mobaderoon 2

On June 29, 2021, Hassan Costello led a two-hour webinar, "Strategies for IELTS Preparation and Test-Taking". The insightful session,…

Brewing for Success: clt Alumni Entrepreneur Brings Popular…

In a compelling display of entrepreneurial drive and initiative, Mubarak Saeed Al-Qahtani, a 2021 graduate from the Faculty of Languages…

Faculty Member Writes Book Chapter About Translators…

Dr. Eyhab Abdulrazak Bader Eddin, an esteemed Assistant Professor of Translation at the Faculty of Languages and Translation, has…

Faculty Member Delivers Session on Annotated Translation

Dr. Eyhab Bader Eddin has launched a new initiative focusing on "Annotated Translation," a subject that, while intriguing and complex, has…

Faculty Member Leads 3-Part Series on the Parts of Speech

Dr. Eyhab Bader Eddin, as part of an ongoing initiative to enhance the understanding of graduate students, has offered an advanced free…

Faculty Member Leads Project to Enrich Arabic Wiki Content

Supervised by Dr. Fahad Otaif, Assistant Professor of Critical Discourse Analysis and Translation, a team of postgraduate female students…