International Testing Training Seminar at Abha Technical…

From October 9 to 12, 2016, three esteemed members of the Faculty of Languages and Translation—Dr. Salem bin Dawood, Mr. Matthew Paul, and…

Test Taking Strategy Use on the Reading Section of the…

King Khalid University's Language Research Center played host to an engaging seminar on February 10, 2016, featuring a presentation by the…

Revolutionizing Midterm Exams: Faculty of Languages and…

In a groundbreaking initiative, the Faculty of Languages and Translation organized a computer-based test (CBT) for the 2nd Midterm Exam in…

TOEFL Training

The English Club organized an English Hour seminar facilitated by Language Instructor, Hassan Costello. The seminar was titled "The 60…


The Faculty of Languages and Translation recently introduced a computer-based test (CBT) for the 1st Midterm Exam in the International…