Study Plan

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Welcome to the study plan for the Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics program at the College of Languages and Translation at King Khalid University. This rigorous academic framework is designed to cultivate advanced expertise across the multifaceted domains of applied linguistics. The program commences with a deep exploration of foundational theories and schools of linguistics, as well as the structural complexities of language. As students progress, they will refine their academic literacy through advanced reading and writing, and engage with cutting-edge topics within the field. The curriculum further includes intensive seminars on second language acquisition and teaching methodologies, comprehensive studies on methods of language assessment, and critical analysis of current issues at the intersection of language and technology. Additionally, the program addresses the unique challenges of Arabic applied linguistics, offering specialized insights into this critical area. Students will also undertake advanced discourse analysis, develop robust research methodologies, and gain proficiency in applied statistics relevant to linguistic research. The program culminates in an independent seminar and the development of a doctoral thesis, where students will contribute original research to the field, synthesizing their acquired knowledge into a substantial academic contribution.

If you are passionate about language and interested in advancing your career in this field, the Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics program can be an excellent choice for you.

Please click here for the prior study plan.

Semester 1 - Year 1
7201إنج-4 حلقة دراسية في القراءة والكتابة الأكاديمية المتقدمتين(Advanced Academic Reading and Writing)
7401إنج-3 النظريات والمدارس اللسانية(Theories and Schools of Linguistics)
7402إنج-3 بنية اللغة(Language Structure)
Semester 2 - Year 1
7501إنج-3 موضوعات متقدمة في اللغويات التطبيقية(Advanced Topics in Applied Linguistics)
7502إنج-3 حلقة دراسية في اكتساب اللغة الثانية وتعليمها(Seminar in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching)
7503إنج-3 طرق التقييم اللغوي(Methods of Language Assessment)
Semester 3 - Year 2
7504إنج-3 قضايا معاصرة في اللغة والتكنولوجيا(Current Issues in Language and Technology)
7505إنج-3 قضايا في اللغويات التطبيقية العربية(Issues in Arabic Applied Linguistics)
7506إنج-3 التحليل المتقدم للخطاب(Advanced Discourse Analysis)
Semester 4 - Year 2
7507إنج-3 تصميم العمل البحثي وبناؤه(Designing and Constructing Research Work)
7508إنج-3 الاحصاء التطبيقي في البحوث اللغوية(Applied Statistics in Language Research)
7509إنج-3 حلقة دراسية فردية مستقلة(Independent Seminar)
7510إنج-10 الرسالة(Thesis)
  Please click here for the Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics study plan (13 courses and 47 credit hours).

Last updated: 8/13/2024

Approval Information

Council: University Council

Date: Summer 2022