
Comparison of Feminism Power in Anne Bradstreet and Virginia Woolf's Works

Exploring Feminist Perspectives: A Comparative Study of Anne Bradstreet and Virginia Woolf's Works

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On October 14, 2019, the Scientific Research Committee hosted its inaugural seminar of the semester, captivatingly titled "Comparison of Feminist Power in Anne Bradstreet and Virginia Woolf's Works." The insightful presentation was expertly delivered by Ms. Maram Al-Malki.

During the seminar's commencement, Ms. Al-Malki elucidated her reasons for choosing this particular theme. As an author herself, she discovered resonating similarities between her own experiences and those conveyed by Bradstreet and Woolf, leading to her exploration of these authors' feminist perspectives. Throughout the seminar, Ms. Al-Malki delved into an array of compelling issues related to feminism, stimulating a vibrant discussion among the attendees.

Present at the seminar were esteemed members of the faculty, including the Assistant Dean, Dr. Salma Al-Qahtani, as well as the former Assistant Dean, Dr. Suaad Al-Qahtani. The seminar, deemed a successful intellectual exchange, concluded on a high note, having provided a captivating and enlightening examination of feminist thought as conveyed in the works of two influential authors.