CLT Reinforces Final Exam Regulations for All Students
The College of Languages and Translation (CLT) at King Khalid University has issued a comprehensive set of final exam regulations to complement the university-wide Rights and Duties Guide. These guidelines aim to promote fairness, discipline, and academic integrity during exams. Here are the nine key rules all students are expected to follow:
Unauthorized Materials: Students must leave all unauthorized materials outside the exam hall.
Identification: IDs must be verified at the entrance. Students without valid IDs must obtain a duplicate from the registrar.
Prohibited Devices: Devices capable of storing data, such as phones, smartwatches, and Bluetooth headphones, are strictly prohibited. These devices must be switched off and placed in a zipped bag either on the floor or under the chair.
Head Coverings: Students’ headscarves must not cover ears or faces during the exam.
Punctuality: No student may enter after the first 30 minutes or leave during this time. Late students cannot receive extra time.
Cheating Prevention: Any cheating cases or attempts will be immediately reported to the Exam Committee at CLT College and the appropriate authorities at King Khalid University for necessary action.
Misprints: Students must direct any questions about misprints to the course instructor.
Health Issues: Students feeling unwell during the exam must leave their materials in the exam room and notify the Exam Committee. Upon their return, no extra time will be granted.
Restroom Breaks: Students needing to visit the toilet must first notify the Exam Committee. They must be accompanied by an invigilator who will ensure no access to unauthorized materials or communication occurs.
These regulations reflect the College’s commitment to maintaining a fair and organized testing environment. Please click here for a PDF version of the infographic displaying the rules mentioned in this report.