
Use it Right: Social Media Campaign a Huge Success

Use it Right: Social Media Campaign a Huge Success

Faculty of Languages and Translation

Under the supervision of the Dean of Student Affairs, the Vice Presidency of Student Affairs (Women's Campus) collaborated with the Faculty of Languages and Translation to organize an informative social media event. The event, titled "Use it Right," took place on Wednesday, Safar 26th, 1439H.

The primary objective of the event was to raise awareness among college students about the responsible and appropriate use of social media platforms. The campaign incorporated an enjoyable atmosphere, with refreshments provided along with informative brochures. A program was designed to engage attendees actively, featuring a poem presentation by Mrs. Amatul Hafeez from the Faculty of Languages and Translation. Through interactive role-playing, the program effectively showcased the socio-legal risks associated with the misuse of social media platforms. The event concluded with a song titled "Use it Right."

This initiative aimed to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate social media platforms responsibly, promoting a safer and more responsible online environment.