The Second Annual Admissions Exhibition
The Second Annual Admissions Exhibition at King Khalid University served as a strategic stepping stone for prospective students transitioning from high school to college life. From their first steps on the campus, students were introduced to the dynamic environment and distinct values of the Faculty of Languages and Translation (clt).
Faculty and staff worked in unison during the event, ensuring that prospective students feel welcomed and comfortable in what could soon be their new academic environment. The exhibition provided an invaluable opportunity for students to explore their academic aptitudes, interests, and educational plans before their first semester. It gave them an insight into the expectations of King Khalid University, and how their unique abilities and interests could align with one or more of the University's majors.
Prospective students received comprehensive admissions packets filled with infographics and key details about the clt. "The Second Annual Admissions Exhibition, organized by the Deanship of Admissions and Registration, served as a vibrant platform to introduce the clt to eager students," said Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean of clt. "We had the chance to interact with hundreds of students face-to-face and showcase the unique strengths of the clt."
The clt offered a wealth of interactive sessions for participants, which included:
- An Academic Counseling Overview
- A Course Registration Overview
- An E-Learning Overview
- An English Language Center Overview
- An English Club Overview
- An IELTS Overview
- An Introductory Video on the clt
- A Language Enhancement Program Overview
- An interactive Q&A session with a substantial number of faculty members
The event concluded on a high note, with enthusiastic applause for the clt faculty members who significantly contributed to the event's success. Dr. Abdulmohsen Al-Qarni, Dean of Admissions and Registration, praised the visible engagement of clt faculty and staff with prospective students. Notably, the clt was awarded first place for its outstanding admissions booth and visually impressive materials on December 14, 2017.
The dedicated administrative employees of the clt were also recognized for their tireless efforts in ensuring a top-tier setup. As the new academic semester approaches, we look forward to welcoming the class of 2022 this September as they embark on their journey toward academic and personal success.