Faculty Members Vow to Continue Teaching English: Professional Soccer Careers Not an Option
On November 6, 2019, the Faculty of Languages and Translation, along with the English Club, sponsored a faculty member soccer tournament. The purpose of the event was to encourage camaraderie among the faculty members through friendly competition. Nine faculty members participated.
The faculty were separated into two teams with a King Khalid University student rounding out the field of players. The teams played continuously until Maghreb prayer. Everybody prayed together on the field. Subsequently, the marathon match resumed for another 60 minutes.
Each team included an outstanding player. Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Yahya Asiri, was the star of his squad. His specialty is using quick and decisive footwork to evade would-be defenders. He scored numerous goals much to the chagrin of the competent defense. Dr. Asiri was ably assisted by Dr. Ahlullah Siddiqui , Dr. Dimitrios Michael, and Dr. Omer Sultan. They provided excellent defensive cover and were effective on offense as well. Dr. Omer Sultan provided brief intermissions by adeptly kicking the ball out of the stadium. Several soccer balls remain missing at this time.
Dr. Basim Kanaan was the opposing star player on his team. His skills included accurate scissor kicks and adept ball handling. Teammate and English Club Director, Faisal Alfadhil, provided the speed that kept Dr. Asiri's team in constant motion. Azaad Hayat provided additional intermissions by drilling balls into opposing players, which resulted in game stoppages and some minor injuries.
Dr. Karem Abdelatif Ahmed and Hassan Costello served as goalies in the match. Dr. Ahmed, despite his best efforts, allowed many goals due to the continuous onslaught of the skilled offense by Dr. Asiri's team. Hassan Costello apparently was unaware he was playing goal. However, the opposing team was only marginally successful because Hassan is approximately the same size as the goal.
The soccer matches will be a standing event to be held every Wednesday from 5 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. at the Lasan Campus.