
Mastering the Skills of Writing Research Manuscripts

Mastering the Skills of Writing Research Manuscripts

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On October 23, 2019, the Language Research Center hosted a seminar focusing on 'Mastering the Skills of Writing Research Manuscripts'. The insightful session was led by Ms. Amatul Hafeez Alvi, who delved into the various aspects of academic writing.

Ms. Alvi outlined the key objectives of her presentation at the onset. She emphasized the importance of publishing research papers and shed light on the characteristics of a successful writer, the process of choosing an appropriate journal, and the steps involved in manuscript writing, submission, and revision. She also addressed the emotional challenges related to acceptance and rejection.

Ms. Alvi stressed that an author's fundamental need is the 'zeal' or fervor for writing. She also explored the hurdles faced by many researchers such as having significant academic experience without any published work, limited exposure to research activities, demands imposed by the university, disappointment following rejection, and lack of language skills.

Touching upon the qualities of good writing, Ms. Alvi encouraged budding authors to neither hesitate nor rush while writing research articles. She highlighted the importance of choosing an appropriate publication outlet, ensuring clarity in writing, continuously monitoring the writing process, and the value of collaboration.

Ms. Alvi concluded the seminar on an encouraging note, asserting that researchers should remain persistent in their pursuit of getting their work published. A single or even multiple rejections should not dishearten them or dampen their spirits.

The seminar was hailed as a significant success and served to raise awareness about the importance of honing skills necessary for research publication. It is noteworthy that members from the women's college at King Abdullah Road, Al-Samer Campus, as well as the main campus attended the seminar in person or joined via a teleseminar.