Phrase TMS

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We are using Phrase in our translation courses free of charge. Phrase TMS is a complete translation platform that includes translation memory, integrated machine and human translation, terminology management, and both online and desktop CAT tools.

This partnership agreement was initiated in July 2024. Phrase, a complete translation platform, will provide our students with free access to its comprehensive suite of translation management tools. Phrase TMS offers a holistic approach to translation technology, including translation memory, integrated machine and human translation, terminology management, and both online and desktop CAT tools. This partnership will benefit our programs as follows:

  1. BA in English Program:
    • Introduce students to a modern, cloud-based translation environment
    • Enhance skills in collaborative writing and editing using advanced language technology
  2. BA in Translation Program:
    • Offer hands-on experience with Phrase's integrated translation memory and terminology management systems
    • Develop proficiency in both online and desktop CAT tools
    • Prepare students for the hybrid machine-human translation workflows of the future
  3. Master in Applied Linguistics:
    • Facilitate research on the interplay between machine and human translation
    • Support advanced studies in terminology management and corpus linguistics
  4. Master in TEFL:
    • Enable the creation and management of multilingual educational content
    • Explore the application of translation technology in language teaching methodologies
  5. Master in Translation:
    • Provide in-depth training on Phrase's full suite of tools, including its cloud-based platform
    • Develop expertise in managing complex translation projects across multiple languages
    • Explore the integration of machine translation and post-editing processes
  6. PhD in Applied Linguistics:
    • Support sophisticated research projects in translation studies and computational linguistics
    • Enable large-scale analysis of translation data and linguistic patterns
    • Investigate the impact of integrated translation platforms on language services and global communication

By providing free access to Phrase TMS, this partnership will equip students across all programs at the College of Languages and Translation with cutting-edge skills in translation technology. Our students will gain hands-on experience with a complete translation platform, preparing them for the technological demands of the modern language industry and enhancing their career prospects in the global market.