Parental engagement in online teaching and learning during COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for sustainable education

The paper titled "Parental Engagement in Online Teaching and Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Sustainable Education" focuses on the challenges Jordanian parents faced and the support they provided to their children during online learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The study explores how these challenges and support vary according to school type and level of education.

The purpose of the study is to identify the specific challenges encountered by parents and to assess the ways they supported their children's education during the pandemic. The research also aims to determine whether these challenges and support mechanisms differ based on the type of school (public vs. private) and the education level of the children (primary, middle, or secondary).

The methodology employed in the study involved a questionnaire designed by the researchers, which was distributed to 181 parents in Jordan. The questionnaire consisted of 22 items, with 15 items focusing on the challenges parents faced and 7 items addressing the support they provided to their children. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Independent Samples T-Test, and One-Way ANOVA to explore the relationships between the challenges, support, school type, and education level.

Key findings of the study revealed that the most significant challenges faced by parents were pedagogical, personal, technical, and financial in nature. Pedagogical challenges included difficulties in understanding some subjects and the inability of online learning to meet students' needs. Personal challenges involved a lack of motivation among children and inadequate technical knowledge among parents. Technical challenges were primarily related to inadequate solutions for technical problems and unstable internet connections, while financial challenges included the high cost of internet packages. In terms of support, parents provided additional digital devices, assisted with worksheets and assignments, and managed their children's time during online classes.

The study concludes that parents played a crucial role in sustaining their children's education during the pandemic despite the various challenges. The findings highlight the need for better cooperation between parents, teachers, and schools to enhance the online learning experience. The study also suggests that the pandemic has underscored the importance of sustainable education practices that can adapt to unforeseen disruptions. This research provides valuable insights for policymakers, educators, and parents in improving online education and ensuring its sustainability in the future.