Leadership (Nomination)

The University Scientific Council at King Khalid University is committed to fostering leadership excellence within the College of Languages and Translation. The nomination and selection of academic leaders are guided by a structured and transparent process designed to ensure that the most qualified and competent individuals are chosen for key leadership roles. This process is governed by a permanent advisory committee, established under the regulations of the Higher Education Council and Universities System, which meticulously applies codified criteria for selecting candidates. The regulations emphasize fairness, transparency, and equal opportunities, allowing for self-nomination and encouraging the development of academic leaders who are equipped to drive the college's mission forward. By adhering to these principles at the program, department, and college levels, the College of Languages and Translation ensures that its leadership is composed of individuals who are not only academically distinguished but also possess the administrative acumen necessary to lead effectively.


  1. Nomination of Academic Leaders

In conclusion, the leadership nomination process within the College of Languages and Translation is a vital mechanism for ensuring that the college is guided by capable and visionary academic leaders. The structured approach, as outlined by the University Scientific Council, promotes fairness, transparency, and inclusivity in selecting individuals who will shape the future of the college. Faculty members are encouraged to engage with this process, either by nominating themselves or supporting colleagues who demonstrate the qualities and skills necessary for leadership. By following these established guidelines, the College of Languages and Translation maintains a leadership team that is well-equipped to uphold the highest standards of academic and administrative excellence, thereby contributing to the overall success of King Khalid University.