Godin’s use of narrative technique in ‘My Dead Brother Comes to America’

The paper titled "Godin’s Use of Narrative Technique in ‘My Dead Brother Comes to America’" by Tanzina Halim and Shanjida Halim primarily focuses on the narrative techniques employed by Alexander Godin in his short story. The research examines how Godin’s choice of a first-person narrative point of view, through the eyes of a thirteen-year-old protagonist, influences the reader's engagement and perception of the story.

The purpose of the study is to explore the effects of using a first-person narrative technique and its limitations in conveying the story's events and emotions. The paper seeks to understand how this narrative choice shapes the reader’s experience and the story's impact. Specifically, the study investigates how this perspective allows for an intimate portrayal of the narrator’s thoughts and emotions, while also discussing the constraints it imposes on the reader's understanding of the broader context.

Methodologically, the authors analyze the narrative structure of Godin's story, considering both literary theory and previous studies on narrative techniques, particularly the first-person point of view. They also reference other works of literature and scholarly analysis to contextualize their findings within broader literary traditions.

Key findings of the study reveal that the first-person narrative technique effectively immerses readers in the protagonist’s subjective experience, making the story more engaging and emotionally resonant. However, this technique also limits the reader’s knowledge to the narrator's perspective, leaving many aspects of the story open to interpretation and potentially leading to a biased or incomplete understanding of events. The study highlights how the narrator's youth and emotional turmoil contribute to an unreliable narration, which adds complexity to the reader's experience.

In conclusion, the paper emphasizes that while the first-person narrative technique in "My Dead Brother Comes to America" successfully engages readers and conveys deep emotional content, it also poses challenges in providing a comprehensive and objective view of the story's events. The study underscores the significance of narrative technique in shaping the reader’s interaction with literary works and the importance of considering the implications of narrative choices on the overall storytelling.