General Administration of Cybersecurity (Policies)

The General Administration of Cybersecurity at King Khalid University is dedicated to safeguarding the university's digital infrastructure, ensuring that all activities within the College of Languages and Translation adhere to the highest standards of cybersecurity. The policies provided by this administration, including the General Cybersecurity Policy, Acceptable Use Policy, Acceptable Use of Laboratory Policy, and Social Media Accounts Policy, are critical in establishing a secure and responsible digital environment. These policies outline the expectations and responsibilities of faculty, staff, and students regarding the use of university IT resources, including the proper management of social media accounts and the secure use of laboratory facilities. By implementing these policies at the program, department, and college levels, the College of Languages and Translation maintains a secure and compliant digital environment that protects sensitive information and ensures the safe use of technology in academic and administrative activities.


  1. General Cybersecurity Policy
  2. Acceptable Use Policy
  3. Acceptable Use of Laboratory Policy
  4. Social Media Accounts Policy

In conclusion, the cybersecurity policies provided by the General Administration of Cybersecurity are essential for maintaining a secure and compliant digital environment within the College of Languages and Translation. These policies ensure that all members of the college community are aware of their responsibilities regarding the use of IT resources, laboratory facilities, and social media platforms. By adhering to these guidelines, faculty, staff, and students contribute to the protection of the university's digital assets and the integrity of its academic and administrative processes. The College of Languages and Translation is committed to upholding these cybersecurity standards, ensuring that all digital interactions are conducted safely and responsibly, in line with the broader mission of King Khalid University.