
Faculty of Languages and Translation Goes Back to Primary School

Faculty of Languages and Translation Goes Back to Primary School

Faculty of Languages and Translation

In the week of October 20, 2019, representatives from the Faculty of Languages and Translation (clt) were invited to visit 'Excellent Educational Schools' in Abha. The clt delegation included Dean Abdullah Al-Melhi, English Club Director Faisal Alfadhil, and club member Ali Al-Jasser.

The group was warmly greeted by a vibrant gathering of eager primary school students and the school's Principal, Abdullah Al-Mualwi. Expressing gratitude for the invitation and the welcoming reception, Dean Al-Melhi emphasized the value of education in his speech, highlighting the myriad benefits of learning the English language. He reminded the students that education is a lifelong pursuit and urged them to dedicate themselves to their studies for a successful future.

Following the dean's words, Director Alfadhil shared his personal insights on the importance of diligence. Reflecting on his own experiences, he told the students, "As a child, I valued playtime with friends over studying. However, as I matured, I began to comprehend the true significance of schooling and the value of learning English.”

In his response, Principal Al-Mualwi portrayed the clt representatives as exemplary figures, inspiring the young students to recognize education as a significant opportunity at this pivotal stage of their lives. In appreciation of their dedication and contribution to education, he presented the clt representatives with a plaque.

The Faculty of Languages and Translation upholds its commitment to community service, continually fostering the pursuit of higher education across all societal strata.