
General Faculty Meeting to Discuss Final Exam Regulations

General Faculty Meeting to Discuss Final Exam Regulations

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On the eve of the final examinations, the administration of the Faculty of Languages and Translation convened a critical meeting with faculty members. Held in the conference room of the College of Education on Sunday, 24th of December 2017, this gathering aimed to synchronize efforts for the impending examination period.

Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, the Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, initiated proceedings by expressing his gratitude towards the College of Education administration for their provision of technical support and facilities. He went on to share some positive news, indicating that the college had received approval for the refurbishment of our Conference Room [Room A/3/60] and projected its readiness for use before the conclusion of the current academic year.

Continuing his address, Dr. Al-Melhi underscored the vital role all faculty members must play in the successful administration of examinations, whether that be invigilating, supervising, or setting exam papers. He expressed confidence in the faculty's professional performance, but also implored everyone to strive for excellence and avoid the recurrence of past shortcomings.

Dr. Yahya Asiri, the Vice Dean and head of all the exam committees at the Faculty, reinforced the importance of refreshing faculty members' understanding of exam regulations. Despite most being well-acquainted with these rules, he emphasized the importance of their effective and consistent application.

Dr. Asiri first addressed regulations pertinent to faculty members' responsibilities prior to the start of the exam. He honed in on the downloading of updated invigilation timetables, printing the latest attendance sheets, and setting of exam papers with fresh question sets.

Subsequently, he spotlighted the crucial role of exam committee members and invigilators during the examinations. Detailed procedures for commencing exams, verifying student identities before they enter the exam halls, handling latecomers and cheating cases, as well as collecting and managing exam papers, were thoroughly discussed.

Lastly, Dr. Asiri announced the formation of a newly established Exam Control Committee. Tasked with validating the integrity of the results and answer scripts submitted by course instructors, this committee stands as a firm commitment to upholding academic honesty.

Following these presentations, the meeting concluded with a productive question and answer session, leaving the faculty ready and aligned for the examination period.