
EndNote Workshop

EndNote Workshop

Faculty of Languages and Translation

In a step towards enriching research skills, the Women's Scientific Research Committee of the Bachelor of Arts in English program held an insightful 'EndNote Workshop' on November 27, 2019. Led by Ms. Jalila Alghamdi, the workshop aimed to familiarize both faculty members and graduate students with the functionalities of EndNote, a software specifically designed for managing bibliographies and references.

In her introduction, Ms. Alghamdi defined EndNote as an invaluable tool that liberates researchers from the manual collection and formatting of research materials and bibliographies. She highlighted how the software enhances coordination amongst researchers sharing a research paper, leading to efficient management of references.

Continuing, Ms. Alghamdi detailed how EndNote helps researchers organize and track their references, and outlined the procedure for inserting references into research documents as in-text citations or a bibliography in any preferred citation style, such as APA or MLA.

The workshop was an introduction to the latest X9 version of the software, with Ms. Alghamdi demonstrating various processes through screenshots. Some key features she highlighted included manual insertion of references, sorting and arranging references into searchable groups, activating the EndNote toolbar in Word, and switching citation styles in a research document with a few simple clicks.

Looking forward, Ms. Alghamdi announced plans for a follow-up practical session in collaboration with the Scientific Research Committee. For this hands-on training, attendees are required to have EndNote pre-installed on their laptops to ensure effective engagement with the software.

In an encouraging display of cross-disciplinary interest, faculty members from the College of Science also attended the workshop, expressing their gratitude for the open invitation extended by the Women's Scientific Research Committee to all university faculty members. The workshop was a resounding success, significantly enhancing the participants' understanding and proficiency in utilizing this crucial tool for scientific research papers.