Development and Quality Committee

The head of the quality unit in the department will chair this committee. If that is not feasible, then a member of the teaching staff or someone equivalent with experience in the field of development and quality will assume the role. The committee's tasks involve coordinating the work among everyone in the realm of development and quality to ensure their optimal and continuous implementation. This encompasses the following:

6.1 Disseminate quality culture, define it, and strengthen individual, collective, and organizational behavior to continually practice it through all available means such as: training courses, workshops, seminars, and showcasing exemplary cognitive, leadership, and administrative behaviors for students, technicians, administrators, and teaching staff.

6.2 Familiarize oneself with institutional and programmatic academic accreditation requirements and inform teaching staff members and everyone in the department, including students, to ensure their adherence and execution.

6.3 Stay updated with everything related to development and quality, including notifications from the National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment, the university's agency for development and quality, and the deanship of development and quality. Disseminate this information to the teaching staff and everyone in the department to improve performance and boost productivity.

6.4 Implement everything necessary to achieve quality in educational, research, community, and service processes in the department, focusing on:

  • 6.4.1 Coordination with the deanship of development and quality concerning all matters of development and quality.

  • 6.4.2 Drafting the department's strategic plan and taking all necessary actions for its execution.

  • 6.4.3 Preparing the department's self-study report and continuously updating it.

  • 6.4.4 Receiving and organizing the curriculum file for all the department's programs at the end of each semester.

  • 6.4.5 Preparing the program report at the end of each semester.

  • 6.4.6 Conducting necessary benchmarking for programs and courses.

  • 6.4.7 Documenting evidence and proofs for quality in performance.

  • 6.4.8 Analyzing results of opinion surveys to measure satisfaction of university affiliates and beneficiaries objectively and meticulously.

  • 6.4.9 Measuring performance indicators.

  • 6.4.10 Achieving all requirements for institutional and programmatic academic accreditation.

6.5 Drafting an execution plan for accrediting all academic programs in the department.

6.6 Drafting a training needs plan for teaching staff and technicians in the department and taking all necessary actions for its execution.

6.7 Supervising the induction programs for new teaching staff members.

6.8 Drafting a plan to motivate excellence and creativity in the performance of teaching staff, nominating the distinguished among them for excellence awards at the department, college, university, and community levels.

6.9 Evaluating all quality processes through studying and analyzing:

  • 6.9.1 Self-assessment in all programs.
  • 6.9.2 Course evaluation reports (course file).
  • 6.9.3 Performance indicator results.

6.10 Studying everything referred to the committee by the department head and proposing appropriate recommendations or making decisions within the limits of granted or delegated authority in writing.

Performance Indicators:

  1. Number of internal courses executed in the college to disseminate and strengthen quality culture.
  2. Evaluation of the department's vision, mission, and objectives by the teaching staff, students, and employees.
  3. Presence of a training needs plan for teaching staff and technicians in the department.
  4. Presence of a plan to motivate excellence and creativity in the performance of teaching staff.
  5. Number of academic programs that prepared a self-study, and their percentage from the total programs in the department.
  6. Number of programs accredited, and their percentage from the total programs in the department.
  7. Number of teaching staff nominated for excellence awards in the department, college, university, and abroad.
  8. Percentage of teaching staff who received excellence awards from the total nominated by the committee.
  9. Number of new teaching staff and their satisfaction rate with the induction programs offered to them annually.
  10. Average scores of department students in national specialization exams compared to graduates from other departments in the college.
  11. Average scores of department students in national specialization exams compared to graduates from similar departments in benchmarked Saudi universities.
  12. Percentage of academic programs using outcome evaluation exams.
  13. Student-to-teaching staff ratio per program.
  14. Graduates' satisfaction rate about the scientific and professional skills they acquired during their studies in the department by program.
  15. Beneficiary satisfaction rate from the committee's activities annually.