Committee for Plans and Curricula

A member of the teaching staff in the department, or someone equivalent, serves as the head of this committee. They are selected based on their excellence in the field of study plans and curricula. The tasks of this committee are as follows:

3.1 Coordinate the work among all those involved in study plans and curricula to ensure optimal implementation, focusing on:

  • Introducing the vision, missions, and objectives of the department's programs.
  • Establishing specific mechanisms to ensure the implementation of study plans and curricula and achieving the desired objectives.
  • Meeting all educational quality requirements for all programs, in line with the standards of the National Center for Evaluation and Accreditation, the university's development and quality plan, and the specifications and standards of the study plans and curricula unit.
  • Analyzing implementation results at the end of each semester.
  • Continually developing and improving implementation mechanisms.

3.2 Review and evaluate the program outcomes in the department every two academic years, based on the job market requirements and needs.

3.3 Propose new programs based on comprehensive analysis results and job market needs analysis.

3.4 Conduct benchmarking with local, regional, and internationally reputed universities and quality-accredited programs domestically and internationally in all evaluation and review processes, to suspend, develop, or introduce programs.

3.5 Suggest local, external, and international referees for the developed and new programs.

3.6 Study all matters referred by the department head and suggest appropriate proposals or make decisions within the provided or delegated authority in writing.

Performance Indicators:

  1. Number of programs evaluated internally and externally in a year.
  2. Number of programs developed based on annual evaluation results.
  3. Number of programs introduced based on job market needs analysis annually.
  4. Number of developed and/or introduced programs in a year.
  5. Percentage of programs that evaluate outcomes annually.
  6. Percentage of courses that are evaluated and compared to similar courses in benchmark universities in terms of content, textbook, teaching methods, expected outcomes, and evaluation mechanisms.
  7. Percentage of courses developed based on evaluation results annually.
  8. Percentage of courses that use electronic learning systems (e.g., Blackboard) annually.
  9. Satisfaction rate of beneficiaries from the committee's activities.