Journal of Language Teaching and Research

  1. Abdelkarim, M. B. A., & Alhaj, A. A. M. (2024). A Study of the Translatability and Untranslatability of Qur’ānic Arabic Particle laʿalla لَعَلَّ in Some Selected Surahs: A Linguistic Perspective. Journal of Language Teaching and Research15(2), 579-587.
  2. Alshihry, M. A. (2024). Heritage Language Maintenance Among Immigrant Youth: Factors Influencing Proficiency and Identity. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 15(2), 500-508. 
  3. Akan, M. F., Abdul-Rab, S. D., & Salafi, A. A. S. (2023). Approaches to Bangla-Arabic Translation: Subtleties and Solutions. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 14(3), 828-839. 
  4. Alzaanin, E. I. (2023). Using the motivation and engagement wheel to examine the interplay between learner engagement, motivation, year level, and academic achievement in an EFL tertiary context. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 14(3), 767-779. 
  5. Siddiqui, S., Ahamed, M. M., Chowdhury, G., Mishu, A., & Monira, S. (2023). Teaching Writing Skills to EFL Learners: Issues and Concerns. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 14(6), 1541-1550. 
  6. Alqahtani, S. M., Busabaa, N. A., & Salih, H. M. O. (2022). A Change in Saudi Attitudes From Use of Euphemism to Taboo: A Sociolinguistic Study. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 13(3), 561-571. 
  7. Alsalooli, R. A., & Tale, M. A. A. (2022). Saudi EFL Learners’ FLA: Levels, Causes, Gender, and Impact on Academic Performance. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 13(1), 145-155. 
  8. Halim, T., Wahid, R., & Halim, S. (2022). Death- An invincible fact of life: A comparative study between Emily Dickinson and Louise Gluck. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 13(2), 435-440. 
  9. Metwally, A. A., Hakami, S. A., & Abdaly, A. H. (2022). Factors Contributing to the Gap Between Listening and Speaking Skills Performance Among University Students Post COVID-19. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 13(5), 925-935. 
  10. Assiri, A. (2021). Prepositional phrases in modern standard Arabic: An agree-based analysis. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 12(6), 884-891. 
  11. Halim, T., & Shah, S.R.A. (2021). EFL Learners' Perspectives towards online reading module of IELTS: A study at tertiary level. Journal of Language Teaching Research, 12(6), 942-947. 
  12. Koka, N. A., Islam, M. N., Wahab, M. O. A., & Ahmad, J. (2021). Studying the role of media in the diffusion of English words into the Kashmiri language: A linguistic overview. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 12(6), 1056-1069. 
  13. Alshamiry, R. (2020) Communicative competence of Saudi learners of English at the faculty of languages and translation, King Khalid University. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 11(3), 446-461. 
  14. Asiri, S. A., & Metwally, A. A. (2020). The impact of linguistic and cultural competence on translation quality: Pedagogical insights into translation problems. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 11(3), 509-520. 
  15. Khan, M. H., Zaini, Q., & Hossain, M. J. (2020). Interplay of fantasy and realism in Salman Rushdie’s midnight’s children. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 11(2), 324-329. 
  16. Shamiry, R., & Al Fuad, M. (2020). The role of motivation in second language learning in King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 11(6), 893-903. 
  17. Alhamami, M., & Costello, H. (2019). Pre-service EFL teachers’ expectations, needs, and challenges in a language learning and technology course. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 10(3), 593-602. 
  18. Al-Saidi, A.A., & Alqarni, S.M. (2019). The rebellious, untamed Mare: Morrison's heroine Sula. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 10(6), 1217-1224. 
  19. Jaashan, H. M. S. (2019). Decoding sense in caricatures: A study in semio-stylistics. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 10(5), 954-962. 
  20. Metwally, A. A. (2019). Foreignising versus domesticating translations of Arabic colour-related expressions. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 10(2), 383. 
  21. Saud, W. I. (2019). A contrastive analysis of ESL and EFL learning strategies. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 10(2), 311-321. 
  22. Al-Kahtany, A. H., Faruk, S. M. G., & Al Zumor, A. W. Q. (2016). English as the Medium of Instruction in Saudi Higher Education: Necessity or Hegemony? Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 7(1), 49-58.