Training, Internship, and Graduation Projects Committee

The vice dean for educational and academic affairs presides over this committee. In the event this is not feasible, a faculty member or their equivalent with ample expertise pertaining to educational training and graduation projects shall be the chair. The committee's chief roles are to coordinate among all involved in student training for knowledge application, acquisition of field skills, and finding solutions to challenges in a practical scientific manner, taking into account the following:

9.1. Coordinating all matters related to cooperative training between the college (colleges that incorporate this training in their programs) and external community entities. This aims to achieve common objectives by focusing on:

  • 9.1.1. Familiarizing the student and training entities with the objectives, mechanisms, and evaluation method of cooperative training.
  • 9.1.2. Preparing an annual plan for cooperative training programs in collaboration with relevant external entities.
  • 9.1.3. Effective communication with external entities through establishing efficient communication channels to achieve the objectives of the cooperative training plan. 9.1.4. Equipping students with the necessary skills for the success of the cooperative training process and achieving its objectives.
  • 9.1.5. Enabling the student to apply the knowledge and sciences acquired during the educational process, furnish them with all components of optimal job performance, and reinforce their confidence in their ability for continuous improvement.

9.2. Coordinate everything related to graduation projects between the college (colleges that include these projects in their programs) and internal and external entities in the college to achieve the goals, focusing on:

  • 9.2.1. Introducing the student to the objectives of the graduation projects, the working procedures for the project, and the adopted evaluation method.
  • 9.2.2. Preparing a semester-specific plan for graduation projects.
  • 9.2.3. Effective communication with all parties needed to achieve the goals of the graduation projects plan in a single academic semester.
  • 9.2.4. Equipping students with basic scientific research skills.
  • 9.2.5. Empowering the student to follow the appropriate scientific thinking methodology and use scientific research tools and methods.

9.3. Coordination in everything related to students in the internship year, between the college (colleges that include this training year in their programs) and internal and external entities in the college, aiming to achieve goals by focusing on:

  • 9.3.1. Introducing the student to the objectives of the internship year, the duties they need to perform, and the evaluation method adopted.
  • 9.3.2. Preparing an annual plan specifically for the internship students.
  • 9.3.3. Effective communication with all entities within and outside the college to achieve the goals of the internship year plan.
  • 9.3.4. Providing the student with the required skills and facilitating the processes of accessing suitable scientific references.
  • 9.3.5. Equipping the student with basic scientific research skills.
  • 9.3.6. Empowering the student to follow the appropriate scientific thinking methodology and use scientific research tools and techniques.

9.4. Establishing clear mechanisms and adopting straightforward procedures for continuous student monitoring, assisting them in tackling challenges they encounter in cooperative training, internship, and overcoming obstacles faced by the student in the graduation project.

9.5. Conducting a study to analyze the final grades of students in cooperative training, internship, and graduation projects, benefiting from them to ensure continuous improvement.

9.6. Evaluating cooperative training entities and the internship and consistently improving cooperation methods.

9.7. Studying all matters referred by the college dean to the committee, making suitable suggestions, or taking appropriate decisions within the powers granted or delegated by the competent authority in writing.

Performance Indicators:

  1. Existence of a student guide for graduation projects.
  2. Existence of a student guide for cooperative training.
  3. Existence of a student guide for the internship year.
  4. Existence of a semester-specific plan for graduation projects.
  5. Existence of a semester-specific plan for cooperative training.
  6. Existence of an annual plan for the internship year.
  7. Student satisfaction with graduation projects, internship year, or cooperative training (each student according to their program).
  8. Number of recommendations presented in the study and analysis of student grades in graduation projects, cooperative training, and internship year, in the previous year, and the percentage of implemented recommendations out of the total submitted recommendations.