Academic Guidance and Student Affairs Committee

A faculty member, or someone of equivalent rank within the college, is chosen to lead this committee. The selection is based on their excellence in academic guidance, student activities, and related fields. The committee's roles are:

2.1. Coordinating Academic Guidance Efforts within the college, with an emphasis on:

  • Creating an orientation plan for new students, detailing open days, introducing them to their rights, obligations, governing regulations, and presenting academic roadmaps for each department.
  • Assigning academic mentors from the faculty to students ahead of the semester's start.
  • Overseeing all aspects of academic guidance, ensuring clarity and adherence to approved procedures across communication platforms.
  • Evaluating students' reasons for missing lectures or exams, in line with the established regulations and protocols.
  • Offering comprehensive support - financial, psychological, and moral - to students with special needs.
  • Analyzing challenges faced by underperforming students and proposing effective solutions.

2.2. Streamlining Student Affairs Efforts within the college, with a focus on:

  • Liaising with the Dean of Student Affairs on student-centric activities.
  • Drafting a holistic plan that encompasses diverse student activities - ranging from arts and sports to cultural, scientific, and leisure events.
  • Championing student-led initiatives by providing the necessary support and collaboration.
  • Regularly assessing student activities and suggesting enhancements where needed.

2.3. Proposing outstanding students for membership in boards and committees that welcome student representatives within the college. 2.4. Endorsing talented students in arts, sports, and sciences to relevant awarding bodies, both internally and externally, using formal communication methods. 2.5. Addressing matters escalated to the committee by the Dean or the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, and delivering apt recommendations or making informed decisions as per the granted authority.

Performance Indicators:

  1. Tally of students who availed academic guidance during the academic year, further broken down by semester.
  2. Student satisfaction average concerning both academic and vocational guidance.
  3. Proportion of students engaging in student activities annually and per semester.
  4. Proportion of students participating in each distinct student activity annually and per semester.
  5. Existence of a structured plan for student activities for the academic year.
  6. Count of special-needs students who accessed specific services and support during the academic year, detailed by semester.
  7. Count of students who garnered accolades in student activities at the college, broader university level, nationally, and on an international scale, throughout the academic year.
  8. Mean student satisfaction regarding student activities within the college's purview.
  9. Established criteria for the nomination of students to boards where they are entitled to be representatives.