Applying Artificial Intelligence in Language Teaching (Using Free Online Translation Tools by EFL Majors in a Writing Course)

The paper titled "Applying Artificial Intelligence in Language Teaching (Using Free Online Translation Tools by EFL Majors in a Writing Course)" primarily focuses on exploring the use of Free Online Translation (FOT) tools by EFL students at King Khalid University. The research aims to understand how these tools are utilized in writing courses, the students' attitudes towards them, and the effectiveness of these tools in the language learning process.

The purpose of the study is to investigate the role of FOT tools in enhancing students' writing skills in a foreign language, specifically English. The study seeks to document students' usage patterns, their perceptions of the effectiveness of these tools, and how these tools influence their writing performance. The research also aims to contribute to the broader discussion on integrating AI-based tools in foreign language education.

Methodologically, the study employs a mixed-methods approach, combining video observations, questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews. The research involves 21 male EFL students from the Faculty of Languages and Translation at King Khalid University. The data collection spans 12 weeks, during which students' use of FOT tools is observed, and their attitudes and experiences are captured through surveys and interviews.

The key findings of the study reveal that a majority of the students frequently use FOT tools and have a generally positive attitude towards them. However, the study also highlights that while these tools are useful, they often require post-editing to ensure accuracy and appropriateness in context. The effectiveness of the tools was measured in terms of grammatical accuracy, vocabulary variety, and overall communication clarity. The results show that while FOT tools can enhance the writing process, their use is more efficient than effective, as students still need guidance to use them properly.

The study concludes that while FOT tools offer significant benefits in EFL writing, they are not a substitute for human instruction. The findings suggest that teachers should incorporate these tools into their curriculum while providing appropriate training to students on how to use them effectively. The study underscores the importance of balancing technology use with traditional language instruction to maximize learning outcomes. The implications of this research call for further studies on the integration of AI tools in language education, particularly with larger and more diverse samples.