Alignment of the Department of English Mission with College and University Missions

Department of English Mission

The Department of English is dedicated to offering high-quality education in English language disciplines and to cultivating in students and faculty the relevant 21st-century skills and research competencies that will empower them to serve local and regional communities.

College of Languages and Translation Mission

The College of Languages and Translation is committed to providing high-quality education in the fields of languages and translation, conducting relevant and creative research that fulfills current global and local demands, and offering community service in the concerned fields.

University Mission

An invigorating academic setting that fosters knowledge creation and application, champions research and innovation, emphasizes societal responsibility, and advances sustainable development by maximizing our potential and resources.

Key Areas and Keywords for the College Mission

College Mission
“The College of Languages and Translation is committed to providing high-quality education in the fields of languages and translation, conducting relevant and creative research that fulfills current global and local demands, and offering community service in the concerned fields.”

Key Areas and Corresponding Keywords:

  • High-Quality Educationhigh-quality education
  • Relevant and Creative Researchrelevant and creative research
  • Global Demandsfulfills current global demands
  • Local Demandsfulfills current... local demands
  • Community Serviceoffering community service

Key Areas and Keywords for the Department Mission

Department Mission
“The Department of English is dedicated to offering high-quality education in English language disciplines and to cultivating in students and faculty the relevant 21st-century skills and research competencies that will empower them to serve local and regional communities.”

Key Areas and Corresponding Keywords:

  • High-Quality Education

    • Keyword: high-quality education
  • English Language Disciplines

    • Keyword: English language disciplines
  • 21st-Century Skills

    • Keyword: 21st-century skills
  • Research Competencies

    • Keyword: research competencies
  • Student and Faculty Development

    • Keywords: cultivating in students and faculty
  • Empowerment

    • Keyword: empower
  • Community Service

    • Keywords: serve local and regional communities


1. High-Quality Education

  • Department Mission: "dedicated to offering high-quality education in English language disciplines"
  • College Mission: "committed to providing high-quality education in the fields of languages and translation"
  • University Mission: "fosters knowledge creation and application" (indirectly implying a commitment to quality education)

Explanation: The emphasis on high-quality education is directly shared between the Department and College missions, and indirectly supported by the University Mission through its focus on fostering knowledge creation and application.

2. English Language Disciplines

  • Department Mission: "in English language disciplines"
  • College Mission: "in the fields of languages and translation"
  • University Mission: Not explicitly mentioned, but the academic setting implies support for all disciplines.

Explanation: The Department and College missions both focus on specific academic disciplines, with the Department emphasizing English language studies and the College covering a broader range of languages and translation.

3. 21st-Century Skills

  • Department Mission: "cultivating... relevant 21st-century skills"
  • College Mission: Not explicitly mentioned, but implied through "relevant and creative research"
  • University Mission: "champions research and innovation," which aligns with 21st-century skill development.

Explanation: The Department Mission emphasizes cultivating 21st-century skills directly, while the College and University Missions support the development of such skills through research and innovation.

4. Research Competencies

  • Department Mission: "cultivating... research competencies"
  • College Mission: "conducting relevant and creative research"
  • University Mission: "champions research and innovation"

Explanation: All three missions align closely in their commitment to developing research competencies, with the College and University missions explicitly focusing on conducting and championing research.

5. Student and Faculty Development

  • Department Mission: "cultivating in students and faculty"
  • College Mission: Implied through "committed to providing... education"
  • University Mission: "fosters knowledge creation and application"

Explanation: The Department Mission specifically mentions cultivating development in both students and faculty, which aligns with the College’s commitment to education and the University’s fostering of knowledge.

6. Empowerment

  • Department Mission: "empower them to serve"
  • College Mission: Implied through community service
  • University Mission: "emphasizes societal responsibility" and "advances sustainable development"

Explanation: The empowerment focus of the Department Mission aligns with the College and University Missions through the concepts of community service and societal responsibility.

7. Community Service

  • Department Mission: "serve local and regional communities"
  • College Mission: "offering community service in the concerned fields"
  • University Mission: "emphasizes societal responsibility" and "advances sustainable development"

Explanation: All three missions directly or indirectly emphasize the importance of community service, with a focus on serving both local and broader communities.