Alignment of the Department of English Goals with College Goals and the University Strategic Goals and Strategic Directives

Welcome to the Overview of the Department of English's Alignment with College Goals, University Goals, and University Strategic Directives. This page provides a comprehensive mapping of how the Department’s goals align with the College goals, University goals, and University strategic directives at various levels. For the best viewing experience on a mobile device, please turn your phone sideways.

The alignment between the Department of English’s goals and the broader objectives of the College, University, and specific University Directives is crucial in ensuring that the department's initiatives contribute meaningfully to the overall mission of the institution. This page outlines how the Department’s goals are strategically aligned with the goals at various levels of the institution. By fostering best practices in education, equipping students with essential skills and knowledge, advancing research competencies, and engaging with the community, the Department of English plays a vital role in realizing the shared vision of educational excellence, community service, and global competitiveness.

The table provided presents a detailed mapping of the Department's goals against the corresponding College and University goals, along with specific University Directives. The explanations of alignment elucidate how each departmental objective supports and enhances the broader institutional aims, highlighting the Department’s commitment to educational quality, research excellence, and societal impact. This structured alignment not only reinforces the Department's contributions to the academic community but also ensures that its efforts are coherent with the institution’s strategic priorities.

Department of English Goal Aligned College Goal Explanation of Alignment
1. To foster an educational environment characterized by best practices in the teaching and learning of the English language for undergraduate and graduate students.

1. Design and deliver programs that meet emerging needs and aspirations of students, community, businesses, and professional sectors.

5. Build and maintain a supportive, professional, ethical, and respectful workplace that fosters communication, dialogue, and sharing of ideas and resources whenever possible.

The Department of English's focus on creating an educational environment characterized by best practices directly supports the College’s goal of designing and delivering programs that respond to the needs of various stakeholders, including students and the broader community. By adopting and sharing best practices, the Department also contributes to fostering a professional and ethical workplace, which is emphasized in the College Goal 5. The alignment ensures that the Department's efforts in teaching and learning are part of a larger strategy to prepare students and faculty to meet contemporary and future challenges effectively.
2. To equip students in English language programs with in-depth knowledge, advanced skills, and professional values that will empower them to meet modern global needs and expectations.

4. Ensure our students gain the skills and experience needed to work as language professionals in diverse contexts.

6. Recruit and establish a world-class human resource capacity to provide students with a high-quality foreign language education.

The Department of English’s goal of equipping students with in-depth knowledge, advanced skills, and professional values aligns with the College’s objective to prepare students as language professionals who can thrive in various contexts. The College’s commitment to recruiting top-tier faculty and resources is crucial for the Department to deliver on its promise of a high-quality education that meets global standards. This alignment reinforces the Department’s role in contributing to the College’s overall mission of educational excellence and global competitiveness.
3. To develop students' competencies in research and inquiry methodologies that enable them to generate original knowledge in the field of English language studies. 7. Expand our research capabilities and base by strengthening ties between the College, the University, the community, and international educational institutions and researchers in the field of languages and translation. The Department’s goal to develop students' competencies in research and inquiry methodologies is in direct alignment with the College’s emphasis on expanding research capabilities. By fostering research skills within its students, the Department not only enhances its own academic standing but also contributes to the broader research ambitions of the College. This alignment is pivotal for creating a vibrant research culture that extends beyond the classroom and connects with local and international academic communities.
4. To serve the local community with professional consultation and training relevant to English language teaching and learning, as well as addressing emerging language issues.

2. Be proactive and responsive to the needs of our stakeholders, especially our students, faculty, university, and community.

3. Foster a sense of service, commitment, professionalism, and ethics in our students.

The Department’s goal of serving the local community with professional consultation and training aligns with the College’s focus on responsiveness to stakeholder needs and fostering a sense of service and ethics. By providing community-focused services and addressing emerging language issues, the Department supports the College’s commitment to proactive engagement with the community and the cultivation of professionalism and ethical behavior in students. This alignment ensures that the Department’s activities are not only educational but also socially responsible and community-oriented.
Department of English Goal Aligned University Goal Explanation of Alignment
1. To foster an educational environment characterized by best practices in the teaching and learning of the English language for undergraduate and graduate students.

1. Enhance educational outcomes to meet the needs of labor market requirements and sustainable development.

4. Enhance the overall quality of academic life.  

Educational Outcomes and Best Practices: The Department's focus on best practices in teaching and learning aligns directly with the University's goal of enhancing educational outcomes. By implementing cutting-edge methodologies and pedagogies, the Department ensures that students are well-prepared to meet labor market demands and contribute to sustainable development.

Quality of Academic Life: The commitment to creating a high-quality educational environment in the Department also supports the University’s goal of enhancing the overall quality of academic life. This involves not only the delivery of content but also the development of a supportive, enriching academic culture that promotes student success and well-being.

2. To equip students in English language programs with in-depth knowledge, advanced skills, and professional values that will empower them to meet modern global needs and expectations. 1. Enhance educational outcomes to meet the needs of labor market requirements and sustainable development. Knowledge, Skills, and Professional Values: The Department’s goal of equipping students with the necessary competencies to meet global demands aligns seamlessly with the University's emphasis on enhancing educational outcomes. By focusing on knowledge, skills, and values, the Department ensures that graduates are not only academically proficient but also professionally prepared to contribute to the global workforce and address contemporary challenges.
3. To develop students' competencies in research and inquiry methodologies that enable them to generate original knowledge in the field of English language studies.

2. Advance research and innovation in response to societal and economic imperatives.

5. Realize and maintain institutional excellence for students and staff.    

Research and Innovation: The Department’s focus on developing research competencies is directly aligned with the University’s goal of advancing research and innovation. By training students to generate original knowledge, the Department contributes to the University's broader mission of responding to societal and economic needs through cutting-edge research.

Institutional Excellence: Enhancing research skills and promoting inquiry also contribute to the University’s pursuit of institutional excellence. This alignment reflects the Department's role in maintaining high academic standards and fostering a culture of continuous improvement among both students and staff.

4. To serve the local community with professional consultation and training relevant to English language teaching and learning, as well as addressing emerging language issues.

3. Foster a culture of social responsibility and encourage volunteerism.

6. Diversify and nurture sustainable revenue streams.

Social Responsibility and Community Engagement: The Department’s goal to serve the community through consultation and training aligns with the University’s emphasis on fostering social responsibility. By providing expert advice and education, the Department actively contributes to societal well-being and encourages community engagement, which is central to the University’s mission.

Sustainable Revenue Streams: Offering professional services and training also supports the University’s goal of diversifying revenue streams. The Department’s activities in this area can generate additional income, which contributes to the financial sustainability of the institution while fulfilling its academic and social missions.

Department of English Goal University Directive Explanation of Alignment
1. To foster an educational environment characterized by best practices in the teaching and learning of the English language for undergraduate and graduate students.

1. Teaching and Learning: Premium programs that nurture skills and keep abreast with modern advancements, activating local and international partnerships, with an emphasis on specialties in hospitality, tourism, culture, arts, heritage, environmental studies, agriculture, security, and safety.

4. University Life: An attractive university environment, which enhances the quality of academic life.

This goal aligns with the university's directive on "Teaching and Learning" by emphasizing the adoption of best practices in English language education, which ensures that students acquire the skills necessary to succeed in modern global environments. The focus on creating an environment conducive to learning also directly supports the "University Life" directive, aiming to enhance the overall academic experience by providing a high-quality educational environment.

2. To equip students in English language programs with in-depth knowledge, advanced skills, and professional values that will empower them to meet modern global needs and expectations.

1. Teaching and Learning: Premium programs that nurture skills and keep abreast with modern advancements, activating local and international partnerships, with an emphasis on specialties in hospitality, tourism, culture, arts, heritage, environmental studies, agriculture, security, and safety.

5. Institutional Excellence: A flexible organizational structure grounded on efficient expenditure and operation, achieving excellence in academic, technical, research, and innovative dimensions.

This goal aligns with the university's focus on "Teaching and Learning" by aiming to provide students with the knowledge and skills required to meet the demands of the global job market. The emphasis on professional values also supports "Institutional Excellence," as the department seeks to maintain a high standard of education through efficient operations and a commitment to academic and professional excellence.
3. To develop students' competencies in research and inquiry methodologies that enable them to generate original knowledge in the field of English language studies.

2. Research and Innovation: Prioritized research areas in health sciences, environmental studies, agriculture, and advanced materials, aligning with societal needs and future economies.

6. Financial Sustainability: An epicentre for scholarly pursuits, events, and strategic investments, anchored in our capabilities to foster stable economic growth.


This goal is aligned with the university's directive on "Research and Innovation" by focusing on developing research competencies among students, thereby contributing to the generation of original knowledge. Although the directive emphasizes areas like health sciences and environmental studies, the underlying principle of promoting research aligns well with the department's goal. Additionally, by fostering research skills, the department contributes to "Financial Sustainability" by preparing students to engage in research activities that can attract funding and support economic growth through knowledge creation.

4. To serve the local community with professional consultation and training relevant to English language teaching and learning, as well as addressing emerging language issues.

3. Societal Responsibility: A deep commitment to using the university's resources for community benefit and fostering volunteer efforts.

6. Financial Sustainability: An epicentre for scholarly pursuits, events, and strategic investments, anchored in our capabilities to foster stable economic growth.


This goal supports the university's "Societal Responsibility" directive by actively engaging with the community through consultation and training, addressing language-related challenges. By leveraging the department's expertise in English language studies, this goal also ties into "Financial Sustainability," as the department's services can contribute to stable economic growth through professional development and strategic community investments.

In conclusion, the Department of English's goals are intricately aligned with the overarching objectives of the College and University, as well as specific directives that guide institutional growth and development. This alignment is not merely a matter of administrative consistency; it reflects a shared commitment to excellence in education, research, and community engagement. By synchronizing its goals with those of the College and University, the Department of English ensures that it remains an integral part of the institution's mission to prepare students for global challenges, advance knowledge through research, and contribute to societal well-being.

The Department’s alignment with institutional goals also underscores the importance of collaboration and strategic planning in higher education. By contributing to the College’s and University’s goals, the Department of English helps to create a cohesive and forward-looking academic environment that benefits students, faculty, and the broader community. This alignment ensures that the Department’s initiatives are not only relevant but also impactful, driving the institution towards its long-term vision of excellence and innovation in the field of English language studies.