Alignment of the BAE Mission with Department of English, College, and University Missions

BAE Mission

Our mission is to cultivate English language professionals who are not only proficient but also deeply culturally aware. We are dedicated to fostering a commitment to research, innovation, and societal responsibility among our students. Our program emphasizes sustainable contributions, encouraging a thoughtful engagement with both local and global communities to create a meaningful impact through language and communication.

Department of English Mission

The Department of English is dedicated to offering high-quality education in English language disciplines and to cultivating in students and faculty the relevant 21st-century skills and research competencies that will empower them to serve local and regional communities.

College of Languages and Translation Mission

The College of Languages and Translation is committed to providing high-quality education in the fields of languages and translation, conducting relevant and creative research that fulfills current global and local demands, and offering community service in the concerned fields.

University Mission

An invigorating academic setting that fosters knowledge creation and application, champions research and innovation, emphasizes societal responsibility, and advances sustainable development by maximizing our potential and resources.

Key Areas and Keywords for the University Mission

University Mission
“An invigorating academic setting that fosters knowledge creation and application, champions research and innovation, emphasizes societal responsibility, and advances sustainable development by maximizing our potential and resources.”

Key Areas and Corresponding Keywords:

  • Academic Settinginvigorating academic setting
  • Knowledge Creation and Applicationfosters knowledge creation and application
  • Research and Innovationchampions research and innovation
  • Societal Responsibilityemphasizes societal responsibility
  • Sustainable Developmentadvances sustainable development
  • Maximization of Potential and Resourcesmaximizing our potential and resources

Key Areas and Keywords for the College Mission

College Mission
“The College of Languages and Translation is committed to providing high-quality education in the fields of languages and translation, conducting relevant and creative research that fulfills current global and local demands, and offering community service in the concerned fields.”

Key Areas and Corresponding Keywords:

  • High-Quality Educationhigh-quality education
  • Relevant and Creative Researchrelevant and creative research
  • Global Demandsfulfills current global demands
  • Local Demandsfulfills current... local demands
  • Community Serviceoffering community service

Key Areas and Keywords for the Department Mission

Department Mission
“The Department of English is dedicated to offering high-quality education in English language disciplines and to cultivating in students and faculty the relevant 21st-century skills and research competencies that will empower them to serve local and regional communities.”

Key Areas and Corresponding Keywords:

  • High-Quality Education

    • Keyword: high-quality education
  • English Language Disciplines

    • Keyword: English language disciplines
  • 21st-Century Skills

    • Keyword: 21st-century skills
  • Research Competencies

    • Keyword: research competencies
  • Student and Faculty Development

    • Keywords: cultivating in students and faculty
  • Empowerment

    • Keyword: empower
  • Community Service

    • Keywords: serve local and regional communities

Keywords and Key Themes for the BAE Mission

BAE Mission
“Our mission is to cultivate English language professionals who are not only proficient but also deeply culturally aware. We are dedicated to fostering a commitment to research, innovation, and societal responsibility among our students. Our program emphasizes sustainable contributions, encouraging a thoughtful engagement with both local and global communities to create a meaningful impact through language and communication.”

Keywords and Corresponding Key Themes:

  • Cultivate English Language Professionals

    • Key Theme: This theme emphasizes the development of students into highly skilled professionals in the field of English language. It focuses on preparing individuals who not only possess technical proficiency but are also equipped with the professional standards necessary to succeed in various linguistic and educational roles.
  • Proficiency

    • Key Theme: This theme centers around achieving excellence in English language skills. It underscores the importance of students reaching a high level of competency in reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension to meet global standards.
  • Cultural Awareness

    • Key Theme: This theme is about fostering a deep understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity. It highlights the significance of being culturally informed and sensitive, which is essential for effective communication and interaction in a globalized world.
  • Commitment to Research

    • Key Theme: This theme reflects the program's dedication to encouraging a strong research culture among students. It stresses the importance of academic inquiry and the pursuit of knowledge as foundational elements in the study of English language and linguistics.
  • Innovation

    • Key Theme: This theme is focused on fostering creativity and innovative thinking within the realm of language studies. It encourages students to explore new methodologies, technologies, and approaches to language learning and communication.
  • Societal Responsibility

    • Key Theme: This theme emphasizes the ethical and social obligations of students to use their language skills for the betterment of society. It encourages a sense of duty to contribute positively to local and global communities.
  • Sustainable Contributions

    • Key Theme: This theme promotes the idea of making long-lasting and environmentally responsible contributions. It stresses the importance of sustainability in both the impact on communities and the preservation of cultural and linguistic diversity.
  • Thoughtful Engagement with Communities

    • Key Theme: This theme highlights the need for active and reflective participation in both local and global communities. It focuses on building meaningful relationships and contributing to societal development through language and communication.
  • Meaningful Impact through Language and Communication

    • Key Theme: This theme is about using language as a powerful tool to create positive change. It underscores the program’s aim to equip students with the ability to influence and impact their surroundings effectively through proficient and culturally aware communication.


1. BAE Mission Alignment with the Department of English Mission

1. Cultivate English Language Professionals

  • Aligned with:
    • Department Mission: High-Quality Education, English Language Disciplines
    • Rationale: Emphasizes the development of proficient and skilled professionals in English language studies.

2. Proficiency

  • Aligned with:
    • Department Mission: High-Quality Education, English Language Disciplines
    • Rationale: Focuses on achieving excellence in English language skills, central to the department’s educational goals.

3. Cultural Awareness

  • Aligned with:
    • Department Mission: 21st-Century Skills, Empowerment
    • Rationale: Highlights the need for cultural knowledge and sensitivity, crucial for effective communication in diverse contexts.

4. Commitment to Research

  • Aligned with:
    • Department Mission: Research Competencies
    • Rationale: Encourages a strong research culture, essential for the development of students' research skills.

5. Innovation

  • Aligned with:
    • Department Mission: Research Competencies, Empowerment
    • Rationale: Promotes creativity and the exploration of new methodologies in language studies, supporting the department’s mission to empower students.

6. Societal Responsibility

  • Aligned with:
    • Department Mission: Community Service
    • Rationale: Emphasizes the ethical use of language skills to serve local and regional communities, reflecting the department’s commitment to societal impact.

7. Sustainable Contributions

  • Aligned with:
    • Department Mission: Community Service
    • Rationale: Focuses on making long-lasting and responsible contributions to society, aligned with the department’s emphasis on community service.

8. Thoughtful Engagement with Communities

  • Aligned with:
    • Department Mission: Community Service, Empowerment
    • Rationale: Highlights the importance of active and reflective participation in communities, supporting the department’s goal of empowering students to serve local and regional communities.

9. Meaningful Impact through Language and Communication

  • Aligned with:
    • Department Mission: High-Quality Education, Empowerment
    • Rationale: Emphasizes the power of language in creating positive change, which aligns with the department’s commitment to empowering students through high-quality education.

2. BAE Mission Alignment with the College Mission

1. Cultivate English Language Professionals

  • Aligned with:
    • College Mission: High-Quality Education
    • Rationale: Focuses on providing high-standard education that prepares students to excel professionally in the fields of languages and translation.

2. Proficiency

  • Aligned with:
    • College Mission: High-Quality Education
    • Rationale: Emphasizes achieving a high level of competency in English, integral to the college’s educational objectives.

3. Cultural Awareness

  • Aligned with:
    • College Mission: Global Demands
    • Rationale: Highlights the importance of cultural sensitivity and global awareness, crucial for fulfilling international demands.

4. Commitment to Research

  • Aligned with:
    • College Mission: Relevant and Creative Research
    • Rationale: Promotes a strong research culture, reflecting the college’s commitment to conducting research that addresses global and local needs.

5. Innovation

  • Aligned with:
    • College Mission: Relevant and Creative Research
    • Rationale: Encourages innovative thinking, key to the college’s focus on relevant and creative research.

6. Societal Responsibility

  • Aligned with:
    • College Mission: Community Service
    • Rationale: Encourages students to contribute positively to society, aligning with the college’s mission to offer community service.

7. Sustainable Contributions

  • Aligned with:
    • College Mission: Community Service, Local Demands
    • Rationale: Focuses on making lasting contributions, supporting the college’s mission to meet local needs through service.

8. Thoughtful Engagement with Communities

  • Aligned with:
    • College Mission: Community Service
    • Rationale: Emphasizes active participation in communities, reflecting the college’s commitment to community service in the concerned fields.

9. Meaningful Impact through Language and Communication

  • Aligned with:
    • College Mission: High-Quality Education, Global Demands
    • Rationale: Emphasizes the use of language to create positive global and local impacts, aligning with the college’s mission to meet global and local demands through education.

3. BAE Mission Alignment with the University Mission

1. Cultivate English Language Professionals

  • Aligned with:
    • University Mission: Academic Setting, Maximization of Potential and Resources
    • Keywords: invigorating academic setting, maximizing our potential and resources
    • Rationale: Focuses on developing students into skilled professionals, which aligns with the university’s goal of creating an invigorating academic environment that maximizes individual potential and resources.

2. Proficiency

  • Aligned with:
    • University Mission: Knowledge Creation and Application
    • Keyword: fosters knowledge creation and application
    • Rationale: Emphasizes achieving excellence in English language skills, which supports the university’s mission to foster the creation and application of knowledge.

3. Cultural Awareness

  • Aligned with:
    • University Mission: Societal Responsibility
    • Keyword: emphasizes societal responsibility
    • Rationale: Highlights the importance of cultural sensitivity, essential for fulfilling societal responsibilities, a key focus of the university’s mission.

4. Commitment to Research

  • Aligned with:
    • University Mission: Research and Innovation
    • Keyword: champions research and innovation
    • Rationale: Promotes a strong research culture, contributing to the university’s commitment to research and innovation.

5. Innovation

  • Aligned with:
    • University Mission: Research and Innovation, Sustainable Development
    • Keywords: champions research and innovation, advances sustainable development
    • Rationale: Encourages innovative thinking, which is key to advancing sustainable development and supporting the university’s mission to champion research and innovation.

6. Societal Responsibility

  • Aligned with:
    • University Mission: Societal Responsibility
    • Keyword: emphasizes societal responsibility
    • Rationale: Emphasizes the ethical use of language skills to contribute positively to society, directly reflecting the university’s mission to emphasize societal responsibility.

7. Sustainable Contributions

  • Aligned with:
    • University Mission: Sustainable Development
    • Keyword: advances sustainable development
    • Rationale: Focuses on making long-lasting and responsible contributions, supporting the university’s mission to advance sustainable development.

8. Thoughtful Engagement with Communities

  • Aligned with:
    • University Mission: Societal Responsibility, Academic Setting
    • Keywords: emphasizes societal responsibility, invigorating academic setting
    • Rationale: Highlights the importance of engaging with communities in a meaningful way, reflecting the university’s commitment to societal responsibility and creating an academic setting that encourages community involvement.

9. Meaningful Impact through Language and Communication

  • Aligned with:
    • University Mission: Knowledge Creation and Application, Societal Responsibility
    • Keywords: fosters knowledge creation and application, emphasizes societal responsibility
    • Rationale: Emphasizes the power of language in creating positive change, supporting the university’s mission to foster knowledge creation and fulfill societal responsibilities.