Admissions (General) FAQs

Welcome to the College of Languages and Translation’s Admissions FAQ! We understand that the application process can be complex, and we're here to help guide you through it. This section addresses common questions about our admission requirements, application procedures, and program selection process. Whether you're wondering about eligibility criteria, application deadlines, or how to change your program preferences, you'll find valuable information here. We encourage all prospective students to read through these FAQs carefully, as they can provide important insights to support your successful application. If you have additional questions after reviewing this section, please don't hesitate to contact our Admissions Office for further assistance.


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Cancellation of acceptance occurs before the university number is issued. To cancel your acceptance, go to the Academic section, then Acceptance, followed by Acceptance Request for Saudi Students. From there, select the appropriate application type (male or female students), and finally choose the Cancellation of Acceptance request option. Withdrawal from admission, on the other hand, takes place after the university number has been issued. To withdraw from admission, navigate to Academic, then Admission, followed by Admission Request for Saudi Students. Under Admission Services, you will find the option for Withdrawal from Admission.
To obtain information about references for supplementary admission, you should carefully review the acceptance announcement for supplementary regularity. This announcement will provide details about the resources and references that you can utilize to prepare for and navigate the supplementary admission process.
To change the specialization listed on your university card in the Tawakkalna app, you need to update your information through the Absher platform. Absher is the official portal for government services in Saudi Arabia, and it allows you to modify various personal details, including your educational information.
The process of issuing a university card begins with uploading your photo to the application form. Your photo will then be reviewed and approved based on the specified terms and criteria for photo submissions. It's important to note that the traditional paper university card has been replaced by an electronic version. You can now access your digital university card through the Academia application.
To be eligible for applying for supplementary regularity, you must meet two primary criteria. First, you need to have completed all the requirements of the plan for the diploma degree. Second, your general status in the system must be listed as "graduate." Ensuring that you meet both of these conditions is essential before proceeding with your application for supplementary regularity.
Your supplementary application was not accepted due to your performance in the written in-person test. Specifically, you did not pass this test, which is a crucial component of the supplementary application process. The written in-person test is designed to assess your knowledge and skills relevant to the program, and passing it is typically a requirement for acceptance into the supplementary program.
The supplementary exam will be held at the location we select during the application period. When you submit your application for the supplementary program, we designate a testing location for you. The exam will take place at this pre-selected venue, so it's important to pay attention to the location information provided to you and ensure you can attend the exam at that site on the designated date and time.
The application dates for supplementary regularity are announced on the university's official website at Additionally, you can find information about application deadlines and relevant percentages on the X (formerly Twitter) account of the Deanship of Admission and Registration (@regandadmkku) and on the Deanship's website. These sources also provide detailed instructions on how to apply for supplementary regularity. It's recommended to check these official channels regularly for the most up-to-date information on application deadlines and procedures.
There are several key requirements for applying to the supplementary program. The applicant must be a graduate of King Khalid University. It's important to note that this requirement does not include paid diplomas. The student's cumulative GPA in the diploma stage must be at least 3.75 out of 5. Applicants are required to pass a written in-person test conducted by the relevant departments. The diploma specialization must be extendable to the bachelor's specialization or one of its tracks. Meeting all these conditions is essential for eligibility to apply for the supplementary program. Prospective applicants should ensure they satisfy each of these requirements before submitting their application.
If you've encountered this issue, there are a few steps you can take. First, ensure that you've activated message reception in your device settings. Double-check that the mobile number you entered in the admission application is correct. If you confirm that the mobile number was entered incorrectly, you'll need to contact the Deanship of Admission and Registration for assistance. You can reach them on the unified contact number 017-241-8000, and then dial extension 3. They should be able to help you update your information and resend the order number.
If you haven't received your admission application number after submitting your application, follow these steps. First, check your device settings to ensure that message reception is activated. Verify that the mobile number you entered in your admission application is correct. If you find that the mobile number was entered incorrectly, or if you're still not receiving the application number despite having the correct number, contact the Deanship of Admission and Registration for assistance. You can reach them at the unified contact number 017-241-8000, then dial extension 3. They can help update your information and provide you with your admission application number.
If you haven't received a message containing your acceptance request number, there are a few potential issues to address. First, check your device settings to ensure that message reception is activated. Sometimes, messages may be blocked due to device settings. Verify that the mobile number you entered in your admission application is correct. A simple typo could prevent you from receiving important messages. If you confirm that the mobile number was entered incorrectly, or if you're still not receiving the message despite having the correct number, you should contact the Deanship of Admission and Registration for assistance. You can reach them at the unified contact number 017-241-8000, then dial extension 3. They can help update your information and resend your acceptance request number.
The ability to apply for admission to multiple universities simultaneously depends on the specific admission requirements of each institution. Different universities may have varying policies regarding multiple applications. Some may allow or even encourage applicants to apply to multiple schools, while others might have restrictions or preferences for exclusive applications. It's important to carefully review the admission guidelines of each university you're interested in to understand their policies on multiple applications. If you're unsure, it's advisable to contact the admissions offices of the respective universities for clarification on their specific rules and procedures.
To withdraw from admission, follow these steps. Log in to the admission portal. Locate and select the "Withdraw from Admission" option. Enter your civil registry number. Provide your secret number (password). Once you've completed these steps, your withdrawal request should be processed. It's important to note that withdrawing from admission is a significant decision, so make sure you're certain about your choice before proceeding. If you have any doubts or need further clarification, consider contacting the admissions office for guidance before completing the withdrawal process.
If you're experiencing difficulties submitting an acceptance request, it's likely due to technical issues. In such cases, the best course of action is to contact the Deanship of Admission and Registration directly. You can reach them by calling the unified number 017-241-8000 and then dialing extension 3. Their official working hours are from 8 am to 2 pm. The staff at the Deanship should be able to assist you with your technical problems and guide you through the process of submitting your acceptance request successfully.
If you're experiencing difficulties submitting your application, it's possible that you're encountering a technical issue. To resolve this, the best course of action is to contact the Deanship of Admission and Registration directly. You can reach them by calling the unified number 017-241-8000 and then dialing extension 3. Their official working hours are from 8 am to 2 pm. The staff at the Deanship are equipped to assist you with any technical problems you may be facing and can guide you through the process of successfully submitting your application.
If you're facing issues while trying to submit your application on the admission portal, the best solution is to seek direct assistance from the university. Contact the Deanship of Admission and Registration by calling the unified number 017-241-8000 and then dialing extension 3. Their staff is available to help you during official working hours, which are from 8 am to 2 pm. They can provide technical support, guide you through the application process, and help resolve any problems you're experiencing with the admission portal.
The arrangement of your program preferences is your responsibility as a student. It's crucial to carefully consider and prioritize your choices when submitting your application. However, if you find yourself accepted into a program you don't prefer, you may still have options. You can take advantage of the change of admission service, provided there are vacant seats available in other programs. Keep in mind that the specializations available to you will depend on your academic percentage. It's advisable to act quickly if you wish to change your admission, as availability may be limited.
The arrangement of your program preferences is your responsibility as a student. It's important to carefully consider and prioritize your choices when submitting your application. However, if you find yourself in this situation, you still have options. You can take advantage of the change of admission service, provided there are vacant seats available in your preferred program. Keep in mind that the specializations available to you will depend on your academic percentage. It's advisable to act quickly if you wish to change your admission, as availability may be limited.
If you're not satisfied with the major you've been nominated for, you have two main options. You can choose to accept the nomination despite your reservations, which secures your place in the program even if it's not your preferred choice. Alternatively, you can wait and try to benefit from the change of acceptance service later, which allows you to potentially switch to a different major, depending on availability. It's crucial to note that if you've been nominated for acceptance but don't respond within the specified timeframe, your acceptance request will be cancelled automatically. Therefore, even if you're unsure about the nominated major, it's often advisable to accept it initially to keep your options open while you explore the possibility of changing your major later.
If you've been nominated for admission to a specific major but fail to accept the nomination within the specified period, your application for admission will be cancelled. It's important to understand that not responding to a nomination is considered a rejection, and the university will proceed to offer your spot to another candidate. Even if you're unsure about the nominated major, it's generally advisable to accept the nomination to keep your options open. You can then explore possibilities for changing your major later, if desired. Always pay close attention to deadlines and respond promptly to avoid losing your admission opportunity.
If you're nominated for admission to a specific specialization but fail to approve this nomination within the specified timeframe, your application for admission will be cancelled. The university treats a lack of response as a rejection of the offer. It's crucial to understand that this cancellation means you'll lose your admission opportunity, and your spot may be offered to another candidate. Even if you're uncertain about the nominated specialization, it's generally advisable to approve it initially. This keeps your options open and allows you to potentially explore changes later. Always be mindful of the response deadlines to avoid inadvertently forfeiting your admission.
When your application status appears as "under study," it indicates that you have not yet been accepted into a program. This status means that your application is still being processed or evaluated. However, you're not without options at this stage. You can take advantage of the immediate acceptance service, which allows you to explore available specializations based on your academic percentage and the current vacant seats. This service provides an opportunity to potentially secure a place in a program that aligns with your qualifications and interests, even if you weren't initially nominated. It's advisable to check the available options through this service promptly, as vacancies can fill quickly.
After reviewing your application, it appears that you were not accepted due to your academic percentage being below the required threshold. The minimum percentages for acceptance are publicly announced on both the website of the Deanship of Admission and Registration and their official X (formerly Twitter) account @regandadmkku. These percentages can vary depending on the program and the overall applicant pool for that admission cycle. It's important to note that meeting the minimum requirements doesn't guarantee acceptance, as admissions are often competitive. For future applications, you may want to consider ways to improve your academic standing or explore programs that better align with your current academic profile.
While it is possible to apply for admission even if you graduated some time ago, it's important to understand that priority for admission is typically given to recent graduates. This policy is often in place to ensure that students enter with up-to-date knowledge and skills relevant to their chosen field of study. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that your application will be automatically rejected. The university considers various factors in the admissions process, and your work experience or other achievements since graduation may be taken into account. If you're considering applying, it may be beneficial to contact the admissions office directly to discuss your specific situation and understand how your application might be evaluated.
While it is possible to apply with an older high school certificate, it's important to understand that priority for admission is typically given to recent graduates. This policy is in place to ensure that incoming students have current knowledge and skills relevant to their chosen field of study. However, having an older certificate doesn't automatically disqualify you from consideration. The university takes various factors into account during the admissions process, and your experiences or achievements since high school graduation may be considered. If you're in this situation, it might be beneficial to contact the admissions office directly to discuss your specific circumstances and understand how your application might be evaluated. They may be able to provide guidance on any additional steps you could take to strengthen your application.
While it is possible to apply even if you're not a current year graduate, it's important to understand that priority for admission is typically given to recent graduates. This policy is designed to ensure that incoming students have the most up-to-date knowledge and skills relevant to their chosen field of study. However, not being a current year graduate doesn't automatically disqualify you from consideration. The university considers various factors in the admissions process, and your experiences or achievements since graduation may be taken into account. If you're in this situation, it might be helpful to contact the admissions office directly to discuss your specific circumstances and understand how your application might be evaluated. They may be able to provide guidance on any additional steps you could take to strengthen your application despite not being a recent graduate.
The admission requirements for King Khalid University are as follows. The applicant must hold a high school diploma or its equivalent, obtained either within the Kingdom or from outside. The applicant must be a Saudi national, have a Saudi mother, or be exempted by regulations or national interest considerations. All tests required by the university or college must be successfully passed by the applicant. The applicant must not have been dismissed from King Khalid University or any other university for academic or disciplinary reasons. If a dismissal occurred, at least 6 academic semesters or 3 years must have passed before applying for admission. If the applicant previously withdrew from the university, they must wait at least 4 semesters before being eligible to apply again. These requirements ensure that applicants meet the necessary academic and ethical standards for admission to the university. It's important to note that meeting these basic requirements does not guarantee admission, as the selection process may be competitive depending on the number of applicants and available spots.
When the application portal opens, all of your choices that meet the acceptance criteria become available for consideration. However, the actual nomination process is more complex than simply following the order of your preferences. The university compares applicants based on several factors: the acceptance criteria for each program, the number of available seats, and the order of applicants' wishes. During the nomination process, candidates with the highest percentages are nominated first, and this sets the benchmark for subsequent nominations. This means that even if you listed a bachelor's degree as your first choice, you might be offered a place in a diploma program if your academic percentage wasn't competitive enough for the bachelor's program or if all available spots were filled by applicants with higher percentages. It's important to understand that while the university tries to accommodate your preferences, your actual placement depends on your academic performance relative to other applicants and the capacity of each program. If you're dissatisfied with your placement, you may want to inquire about the possibility of changing your program or explore options for future transfers.
When the application portal opens, all program options that match the basic acceptance criteria are made available to applicants. However, being eligible to apply doesn't guarantee acceptance. The actual selection process is more complex and competitive. The university compares applicants based on several factors. The specific acceptance criteria for each program. The number of available seats in each program. The order of preferences listed by each applicant. When the nomination process begins, applicants with the highest academic percentages are considered first. As spots in various programs are filled, the minimum percentage required for acceptance may increase. This means that even if you met the initial criteria to apply for a bachelor's degree program, you might not have been accepted if your academic percentage wasn't competitive enough compared to other applicants. The final cut-off percentages for each program are determined based on the pool of applicants and the available seats. If you weren't accepted for a bachelor's degree, it's likely that the programs you applied for filled up with applicants who had higher academic percentages than yours.
The cut-off percentages for each major are not predetermined but are established based on the applicant pool and available seats for each admission cycle. To find this information after the admissions process is complete, you should check two primary sources. The official X (formerly Twitter) account of the Deanship of Admission and Registration: @regandadmkku. The official website of the Deanship of Admission and Registration. These platforms will announce the final acceptance percentages for all majors once the admissions process is concluded. This information can help you understand where your academic standing fell in relation to the accepted applicants and can be valuable for future planning if you're considering reapplying or exploring other educational options.
The admission dates for King Khalid University are announced through several official channels to ensure wide accessibility for all prospective students. You can find this important information in the following places. The official website of King Khalid University: The X (formerly Twitter) account of the Deanship of Admission and Registration: @regandadmkku. The official website of the Deanship of Admission and Registration. It's recommended to regularly check these sources, especially as the typical admission period approaches. The university strives to provide ample notice of application dates to allow prospective students sufficient time to prepare their applications. By following these official channels, you'll ensure you have the most up-to-date and accurate information regarding admission dates and any other relevant announcements.