A Proposed Code of Ethics for Professional Translation in Saudi Arabia: A Survey of Translators’ Perceptions

The paper titled "A Proposed Code of Ethics for Professional Translation in Saudi Arabia: A Survey of Translators’ Perceptions" explores the development of a code of ethics for translators in Saudi Arabia based on the perceptions of professional translators. The study is motivated by the increasing demand for ethical standards in the translation profession, especially in a rapidly evolving society like Saudi Arabia, where translation plays a key role in communication across diverse cultural and linguistic groups.

The purpose of the study is to investigate how translators perceive the importance of various ethical principles and whether there is a consensus on what should constitute a professional code of ethics. It also aims to identify any unique ethical challenges faced by translators in the Saudi context, considering the country's cultural, religious, and legal frameworks.

Methodologically, the study employs a survey distributed to a broad sample of professional translators working in Saudi Arabia. The survey gathers data on translators' opinions regarding several ethical issues, including confidentiality, impartiality, accuracy, and respect for cultural differences. The analysis focuses on identifying common trends and areas of disagreement among the respondents, which are crucial for designing a code of ethics that reflects the profession's needs and challenges in Saudi Arabia.

The key findings suggest that there is widespread agreement among translators on the fundamental ethical principles, such as the importance of accuracy and confidentiality. However, the respondents also highlight some region-specific concerns, such as the need for ethical guidelines that consider the religious and cultural sensitivities in Saudi Arabia. Additionally, the study reveals a demand for professional development and training in ethical decision-making, as many translators feel inadequately prepared to navigate complex ethical dilemmas in their work.

In conclusion, the paper proposes a draft code of ethics tailored to the Saudi translation profession. This code includes recommendations for best practices in maintaining confidentiality, ensuring impartiality, and promoting cultural sensitivity. The authors argue that such a code would not only enhance the professionalism of translators but also contribute to improving the quality of translation services in Saudi Arabia. Further research is recommended to refine the proposed code and ensure its effective implementation across the industry.