Standard 4: Students

The criteria and requirements for student admissions in the program must be clear and publicly disclosed, and must be applied fairly. The information about the program and the requirements for completion of the study must be available, and students must be informed about their rights and duties. The program must provide effective guidance and counseling services, and extracurricular and enriching activities to its students. The program must evaluate the quality of all services and activities offered to its students and improve them. The program must follow its graduates.

3 Day E-Learning Training

The E-Learning Unit and the English Language Center collaborated to organize a comprehensive 3-day online exam seminar focused on E-…

Academic Writing Workshop

The Faculty of Languages and Translation, in collaboration with the English Club, organized an informative seminar on academic writing. Dr…

Adventures With the English Club

The KKU English Club recently rolled out an exhilarating and enlightening excursion to the bustling cities of Makkah and Jeddah. Our…

CLT Alumnus Receives Prestigious Award

CLT Alumnus Making Strides

A Talk on Fable