2018-19 Academic Year

Time Management Is the Key to Success Workshop

The Women's English Club of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, in collaboration with the Deanship of Student Affairs, organized a…

Linguistics Hour: Making Successful Students

On February 19th, the English Club organized a student-centric workshop featuring guest speaker Mohammed Al Fuad, who shared…

Winter Picnic

On Wednesday, January 30th, the Women's English Club of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, in association with the…

Exploring the Intersection of Linguistics and Literature:…

On February 13, 2019, a seminar was held by the Language Research Center of King Khalid University, where Dr. Hasan Jaashan introduced his…

Linguistics Hour: Focus on Writing Systems

On February 12th, the English Club convened once again for the 'Linguistics Hour' in the Language Enhancement Program (LEP)…

Writing Workshop at Al-Janoub International School

On February 9th, faculty members Mohammed Jabir and Erich Beer from the Faculty of Languages & Translation shared their…

Linguistics Hour: Focus on Writing Fundamentals

On February 5th, the English Club convened in the Language Enhancement Program (LEP) room on the main campus for another…