Fall 2020 Freshmen Orientation
On September 3, 2020, an orientation program was conducted for first-year students joining the Bachelor of Arts in English program at the Faculty of Languages and Translation. Adhering to COVID-19 social distancing protocols, the gathering was structured to provide essential information in a small group discussion format. Numerous members from the faculty's leadership team and functional units graced the occasion to acquaint the newcomers with the curriculum, as well as the culture fostered on campus.
Dean Abdullah Al-Melhi spearheaded the program with a warm welcome message for the students. He underlined the significance of this orientation, stating it was more than just a routine assembly. The program was meticulously designed to help students overcome anticipated challenges and to set their sights on a path toward academic success. Dean Al-Melhi also provided valuable insights into the English program and imparted useful tips for achieving academic excellence.
Adding to Dean Al-Melhi's advice, the English Department Chair, Dr. Munassir Alhamami, guided the students through the university's rules and regulations. This was followed by Dr. Dawood Mahdi, the Academic Advisor, introducing students to the various facilities and resources available at the university.
As the event drew to a close, Mohsin Raza Khan, the E-Learning Unit Supervisor, delivered an interactive Blackboard training session using iPads. He underscored key areas that students should be cognizant of for their academic journey and offered effective strategies for thriving in an online learning environment.