Standard 4: Students

Revolutionizing Midterm Exams: Faculty of Languages and…

In a groundbreaking initiative, the Faculty of Languages and Translation organized a computer-based test (CBT) for the 2nd Midterm Exam in…

Unveiling the Semantic Challenges: Exploring Quranic…

Ms. Najlaa Abdulrahman Al Asbali, a 3rd-level MA student in the Translation Program, delivered a presentation on the topic of "An…

Uploading Exam Results Training Workshop

The E-Learning Unit of the Faculty of Languages and Translation (clt) organized a workshop titled "Uploading Exam Results on the KKU…

English Club Football Championship

Under the supervision of Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, the English Club organized a Football…

TOEFL Training

The English Club organized an English Hour seminar facilitated by Language Instructor, Hassan Costello. The seminar was titled "The 60…

Levels 3 and 4 Spelling Bee

The spelling bee for English major students from levels 3 and 4 was held on Tuesday, November 10th. Although the initial…

Spelling Bee

The Spelling Bee competition for English major students from levels one and two took place on Tuesday, November 3rd, in Auditorium 5. The…