Standard 2: Program Management and Quality Assurance

clt Provides Bridges to Success in an Exciting Campus Tour

At the Faculty of Languages and Translation (clt) at King Khalid University, we recognize the significance of the process students…

Jadeer Software Training Session

The Unit of Academic Development and Quality at the Faculty of Languages and Translation hosted a training session on December 3, 2017,…

Reading Challenge Competition Comes to a Close

The Faculty of Languages and Translation (clt) on the Female Campus recently celebrated the conclusion of their reading challenge…

clt Continues to Develop Sustainable Partnerships

The Faculty of Languages and Translation at King Khalid University remains committed to fostering sustainable partnerships aimed at…

Under the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, KKU Can Help Bring the…

The Language Research Center organized a seminar on November 22, 2017, featuring a presentation titled "'Under the Kingdom's Vision 2030,…

Use it Right: Social Media Campaign a Huge Success

Under the supervision of the Dean of Student Affairs, the Vice Presidency of Student Affairs (Women's Campus) collaborated with the…

Top Intermediate School Students in Abha Tour the clt

The Faculty of Languages and Translation recently hosted a group of high-performing students from Al Manaahal Intermediate School. The…