Standard 2: Program Management and Quality Assurance

Practising Professionalism in EFL Teaching

On October 2, 2019, the Language Research Center hosted a workshop conducted by Mohammad Adil, entitled 'Practising Professionalism in EFL…

clt and Engineering Students Convene to Discuss Translation…

On October 1, 2019, the English and Engineering Clubs co-hosted a comprehensive workshop entitled 'Translation: A Broad Overview Weaving…

Interdisciplinary Sciences and Language Learning

Dr. Saeed Al-Surf, an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Languages & Translation (clt), recently delivered an insightful lecture on…

clt Commemorates National Day

The Faculty of Languages and Translation at the King Abdullah Road Campus took part in a grand celebration of the Kingdom's National Day…

تكريم موظفي كلية اللغات والترجمة

بحضور سعادة عميد كلية اللغات والترجمة د.عبدالله ال ملهي تم تكريم عدد من موظفي الكلية على جهودهم في…

clt Hosts High Achievement Awards Ceremony

This morning on 9/17/2019 there was a department-wide meeting in room A/3/60. The purposes of the meeting were to have an open gathering,…

الحفل السنوي للطالبات المستجدات كلية اللغات والترجمة

نظمت وحدة التوجية والإرشاد بكلية اللغات والترجمة، شطر الطالبات بابها الحفل السنوي للطالبات المستجدات و…