Standard 2: Program Management and Quality Assurance

Faculty Members Receive Plaques of Appreciation for Teacher…

On March 14, 2021, faculty members from the Faculty of Languages and Translation were honored to attend an award ceremony at the General…

clt Faculty Member Leads Virtual Workshop for Quality…

The Deanship of E-Learning recently held a two-day training course entitled "Applying the Quality Matters Rubric Workshop (Virtual),"…

Teaching Language Skills: Basic Ideas and Techniques for…

On February 28, 2021, nearly 500 attendees benefited from an insightful in-service instructor training webinar led by Dr. Sara Sevinj…


نبارك لطالبة خولة الفهد من #كليةاللغاتوالترجمة قسم اللغة الانجليزية الفوز بالمركز الأول في منافسة…

Academic Writing Webinar: Session 7

On March 3, 2021, the Women's Scientific Research Committee of the Bachelor of Arts in English program presented the seventh and final…

Academic Writing Webinar: Session 6

On March 1, 2021, the Women's Scientific Research Committee of the Bachelor of Arts in English program hosted the sixth session in its…

Academic Writing Webinar: Session 5

On February 24, 2021, the fifth session in a series of webinars on academic writing was organized by the Women's Scientific Research…