Standard 6: Learning Resources, Facilities, and Equipment

Enhancing Translation Programs: Groundbreaking Partnerships…

The Faculty of Languages and Translation at King Khalid University has attained the notable status of being the first college in the…

Preparing for the Future: Insights from the Faculty of…

On January 18th, the Alumni Unit of the Faculty of Languages and Translation hosted a webinar on "Navigating the Job Market: Insights for…

Publication Process & Validated Measures of Scientific…

In an initiative that reflects the Faculty of Languages and Translation's ongoing dedication to academic excellence, a comprehensive…

Virtual Internships: Faculty of Languages and Translation…

On October 25, 2022, the Faculty of Languages and Translation's Alumni Unit held a webinar on a groundbreaking virtual internship-based…

Translation Unit Webinar Attracts Almost 100 Attendees

On May 17, 2022, the Translation Unit extended an invitation to Mr. Ahmad Assiri, a Ph.D. candidate in Translation Studies at Macquarie…

Analyzing the Efficacy of the Teaching Approaches…

On March 23, 2022, the Language Research Center organized a webinar featuring a presentation titled "Analyzing the Efficacy of the…

Translation Competition Award Ceremony

The Translation Unit (TU) of our Faculty of Languages and Translation hosted a translation competition entitled "Translator of the Nation…