
Writing a Literature Review for a PhD Dissertation

Dr. Nada Alqarni led a training workshop entitled "Writing a Literature Review for a PhD Dissertation" during a webinar organized by the Scientific Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies Unit of the College of Languages and Translation at King Khalid University on February 26, 2025. This session primarily targeted PhD candidates within the College of Languages and Translation.

Announcements & Events

📢 Workshop: Mastering Language & Society: Solving Jahiziyah Questions with Confidence 🎓

Join us for a specialized workshop, "Mastering Language & Society: Solving Jahiziyah Questions with Confidence ," led by Dr. Abdelhamid Bessaid. This session will equip level 7 and 8 students with key strategies, test-taking techniques, and practical insights to excel in the Jahiziyah Exam.

Success Story

Advancing Translation Studies: College of Languages and Translation and Saudi Arabian Translation Association Launch Enduring Collaboration Beginning in the Second Semester of 2024-2025

At the start of the second semester of the 2024-2025 academic year, King Khalid University’s College of Languages and Translation initiated a strategic collaboration with the Saudi Arabian Translation Association, in line with Saudi Vision 2030. The partnership, formalized through a Memorandum of Understanding, aims to enhance academic research, cultural exchange, and professional training in translation studies. It seeks to address the increasing demand for quality translation services by establishing robust academic-industry ties, thereby providing practical experience for students and advancing the profession.


Graduate Admissions for Academic Year 1447 AH Announced

King Khalid University has unveiled the graduate programs available for admission in the upcoming academic year (1447 AH) via its graduate admissions info page for 1447, which was distributed on X on 2/18/2025.


Use of Blogging to Improve Writing Skills: A Study Conducted on EFL Freshman Students

Dr. Karem Abdul Latif presented his paper titled "Use of Blogging to Improve Writing Skills: A Study Conducted on EFL Freshman Students" at a webinar organized by the Scientific Research, Innovation, and Graduate Studies Unit of the College of Languages and Translation at King Khalid University, on February 19, 2025. The presentation emphasized the effectiveness of using blogging to improve writing skills.

Announcements & Events

Webinar: Academic Writing – Writing a Literature Review for a PhD Dissertation

The Scientific Research, Innovation, and Graduate Studies Unit of the College of Languages and Translation (CLT) is pleased to invite you to a webinar titled "Academic Writing: Writing a Literature Review for a PhD Dissertation".


CLT Commends Translation Students for Sixth-Place Success in “Tahadi La Aseer” Hackathon

On February 4, 2025, the College of Languages & Translation (CLT) proudly congratulated a team of master’s students in translation for securing sixth place in the Tourism Track of the “Tahadi La Aseer” hackathon, organized by the Aseer Region Development Authority. The event took place at 6:30 p.m. in the Cultural Center in Muhayil, Aseer.


لغات ومواهب: تكريم الإبداع ودعم التميز في كلية اللغات والترجمة

نظراً للدور الفعال للأنشطة الطلابية في دعم مهارات وإبداعات الطالبات، فضلاً عن تعزيز الروح التنافسية الإيجابية، نظم نادي كلية اللغات والترجمة بالتعاون مع عمادة شؤون الطلاب لشؤون الطالبات البرنامج الإبداعي "لغات ومواهب" يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 18/02/2025م بمقر نادي الطالبات بالكلية. وقد شارك في البرنامج عدد كبير من الطالبات، حيث استمر من الساعة التاسعة صباحاً إلى الحادية عشر ظهراً، وتضمن مسابقات عدة في مجالات الرسم بأنواعه، التصوير الفوتوغرافي، الخط والإلقاء، ترتيل القرآن، والشعر. تم تكريم الفائزات بجوائز قيمة.


Expanding Cultural Horizons: Language Enhancement Unit’s French Workshop Continues to Inspire

On Tuesday, February 18, 2025, the Language Enhancement Unit of the College of Languages & Translation (CLT) continued its "Come Learn French" series, which began two weeks earlier. Moving forward, the workshop will be held every Tuesday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in Room A-3-59 at the CLT.

Announcements & Events

📢 Face-to-Face Workshop with Online Access: Key Themes in Semantics & Pragmatics for Jahiziyah Success 🎓

Join us for a specialized face-to-face workshop, "Semantics & Pragmatics - Key Themes for Jahiziyah Success," led by Dr. Hasan Jaashan. Designed for Level 7 and 8 students, this session will provide essential strategies, test-taking techniques, and practical insights to help you excel in the Jahiziyah Exam. For satellite campuses, the workshop will be available online. Simply click the picture infographic to access the session link.