
Bringing Everyone Together: clt's First Social Gathering Promotes Unity

Bringing Everyone Together: clt's First Social Gathering Promotes Unity

Faculty of Languages and Translation

An enticing aroma of spices wafting from the grill marked the backdrop for the Faculty of Languages and Translation’s semi-annual social gathering during the 1439-1440 academic year. An assembly of nearly 50 faculty members and administrative staff came together to interact in an informal ambiance, leading to engaging dialogues about academic pursuits, research undertakings, career trajectories, and broader personal interests as the evening unfolded.

Dean Abdullah Al-Melhi reflected on the gathering: "This event provided a fantastic platform for everyone to exchange experiences and anecdotes over warm beverages and appetizing starters. We strive to foster a familial atmosphere, underpinned by mutual support and shared commitment. It was a remarkable evening spent indoors while the rain graced the city outside. In our culture, rain is revered as a miraculous occurrence and it is certain that Abha will display a different charm over the ensuing days."

Dean Al-Melhi was enthusiastic about the potential for future events of similar nature. He believes that such informal gatherings not only generate enduring memories among colleagues but also serve to stimulate interaction beyond conventional circles, thereby contributing to the broader sense of community within the faculty.

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