
New Faculty Member Meetup

New Faculty Member Meetup

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On Wednesday, October 24, 2018, the Faculty of Languages & Translation convened a meeting with newly appointed faculty members. The meeting took place in Room A/3/60, initiating at 12:00 pm.

Dean Abdullah Al-Melhi extended a warm welcome to the new members, elucidating the crucial roles they will be playing within the faculty. He further fostered a sense of camaraderie, articulating his vision of the college as a tight-knit family of esteemed colleagues. In Dean Al-Melhi's vision, the faculty members don't just see each other as professional counterparts but also as friends, lending mutual help and support in their daily endeavors.

Subsequently, Dr. Yahya Asiri, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Languages & Translation, presented a comprehensive overview of the rules, regulations, and the academic and administrative structures of both the college and the university at large. He placed a spotlight on the academic responsibilities incumbent upon the faculty members. Additionally, Dr. Asiri acquainted the new faculty with the nuances of the Saudi culture, fostering a sense of cultural understanding and integration.

The meeting concluded with a question-and-answer session. Questions pertaining to the English Department were addressed by Dr. Munassir Alhamami, the English Department Chair. Meanwhile, Dr. Ismail Al-Refaii, Language Research Center Director, and Mr. Mohsin Khan, E-Learning Unit Supervisor, tackled queries about research and e-learning issues, respectively.

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