
The Score, a 16-16 Draw, Says It All

The Score, a 16-16 Draw, Says It All

Faculty of Languages and Translation

The second game of FC clt provided absolutely magical moments of shock and awe. After captains Azaad Hayat and Dr. Ahlullah Siddiqui selected players for their Orange and Blue teams, respectively, the two hour and twenty-one-minute game took off at an unbelievably, blistering pace. Even two bouts of heavy rains pouring down from the overcast, Abha sky, could not dampen the enthusiasm of the energized players.

Right from the opening whistle, the Blues went into what seemed like an unassailable lead. With their professional dribbling and striking skills, Dr. Abdelhamid Bessaid, Fareed Uddin, and Dr. Fadi Alkhasoneh managed to penetrate the valiant defense provided by Dr. Omer Sultan, Dr. Dimitrios Michael, and goalkeeper Dr. Karem Abdelatif Ahmed.

Despite the desperate efforts of newcomers, Khalid Al-Qasemi, Nasser Al-Hawamdeh, Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality, Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Mosa, and Dr. Basim Kanaan (a former professional Jordanian player), the Blues maintained their dominance. Just as Team Orange resigned themselves to their fate of having to succumb to their rampant opponents, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs, Dr. Yahya Asiri, made his dramatic appearance donning an orange vest.

All of a sudden, with the latter winding and weaving his way through his opponents, it was the Blues who found themselves desperately defending their comfortable lead. Even though Dr. Eyhab Abdulrazak Bader Eddin made more than a dozen spectacular, and in some cases miraculous saves, Team Orange managed to claw their way back to equalize at 8-8.

Thereafter the game developed into an exciting, to and fro spectacle of alternate teams finding itself in the lead. Newcomers Dr. Sayed Bilal Kadiri, Dr. Adil Bahameed, Dr. Muhsin Hassan Khan, and Dr. Mahmoud Radwan surprised with their seemingly unstoppable drive to win the game.

If there had been judges tasked with choosing the 'Man of the Match' title, theirs would have been an impossible task.

Nasser Al-Hawamdeh Dr. Abdelhamid Bessaid, Dr. Fadi Alkhasoneh, Dr. Basim Kanaan, and Dr. Omer Sultan would definitely have been on the shortlist. But, given the unfortunate reality that there can be only one 'Man of the Match', five of these gents will have to keep up their sterling performances to remain in the quest to become the titleholder. In the last game, Dr. Yahya Asiri narrowly beat Dr. Basim Kanaan to win this highly coveted title.

After a quick ballot was taken among players, it was decided that because of his flawless ball distribution in midfield, and his majestic display in stopping numerous scary blasters, the winner narrowly managed to pip his opponents to be the proud holder of the 'Man of the Match' title.

Congratulations Dr. Eyhab Abdulrazak Bader Eddin, on a truly stunning performance. You were AWESOME!

~Special Message from Dr. Bader Eddin~

Thank you all for the golden opportunity you all provided to me to be one of your team. Really got gobsmacked and humbled by the warm words, much more than I deserve. Brother Azaad tailored a literary narrative style that was so lucid and scrupulous that readers could watch the match again via words. Seeking permission to respond, I am dipping my quill into the sky-like azure ink to scribe a few thoughts that are being dictated by the thunderclap outside and the overcast sky, which was a witness to yesterday's thrilling match. It was Dr. Fadi's invitation that lured me to go to the match. It was the company I had with you that made the match take on an exquisite flavour, and retain memorable moments that would hardly escape mind. I congratulate all players who were all a canopy of stars whose luminosity shone remarkably. The players' high spirits didn't get dampened by the sprinkle we frequently had. The absolute harmony preserved throughout the match really makes one swell with pride. Lapping it up and relishing the match, some ineffable splendor crowned our match. Fierce competition it was, and a quiver of resistance ran through every player to perform marvelously. Left at the pitch, there is an inarticulate echo of longing for the next match to unfold further excitement. It was everyone's blithe spirits that made the match exceptional by all standards, including cross, quick and long balls, ball possession, a super refinement of tastes in heading and scoring into the net, etc. A curtain of opaque rain is bringing down the curtain on my message to be concluded just as it started: Thank you all.